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Jacob eyed her with interest. "You want me to make the runs for him?"

Beth stared into her brother's eyes, "What do you think about it?"

"I've been waiting for him to ask me. I didn't know if he would trust me with such a mission, but I know I could get through. I'd like to try it, myself. I'm pretty good at dodging." He smiled.

"I know; our trip here was safe because of your quick thinking. I asked Wade to ask you. He's developing a code for the message so that the only ones that know are the ones involved."

Jacob thought on that a moment. "I don't want to know what it says, that way, if they capture me, I can't tell them anything."

"Capture you?" Beth frowned. "You think it would come to that?"

"I don't know, but it would be safer if only Wade and the commanding officer knew." Jacob said.

"Maybe you are right about that, but I'll have no more talk of being captured."

He chuckled. "You are right." He winked at her.

"Thank you Jacob, you don't know what this means to me." She cried putting her hand on his.

"Yes I do, it means he'll be here when the baby comes, and that's as it should be. Besides, I think the reason the rebels are so suspicious of him is that he's not around a lot any more. He needs to be seen by them and often or they might decide he is the courier himself." Jacob nodded.

Beth's mouth flew open, "My God, you are right again. That makes perfect sense."

"Of course it does. I'll be glad to help. It actually kind of exciting." Jacob smiled.

"You will be careful though?" She asked with genuine concern.

"Of course, I'm going to be an Uncle, aren't I?" He smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Yes, and very soon…" she smiled slyly.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Once Wade had studied the code he decided to talk to Jacob about it.

He was astonished that Jacob was actually eager to help. "I've been waiting to see when you would trust me enough to let me go."

"Trust had nothing to do with it Jacob. I hate putting you in such danger." Wade explained.

"I'm a firm believer that a person won't die until it's there time, and when it is, nothing on God's green earth will stop it. So I'm ready for this, Wade. I want to do it. You know your absence here on the boat looks incriminating, maybe if you are here more, the rebels won't get their hackles up so much." Jacob explained.

Wade frowned, then broke into a huge smile. "By golly, you are right, Jacob. Funny, I didn't see that, but I appreciate you pointing it out to me."

"Maybe things will ease up when they see you around more." Jacob sounded hopeful.

"Yeah…maybe it will." Wade sighed. "You know; I'm getting very tired of this war. And so many are being killed every day, it really hurts to see this…"

"Yeah…I know. Some of those rebels are barely sixteen."

"Yeah, I noticed that too, and their lack of uniforms at times. The south wasn't as prepared as they thought." Wade sighed heavily.

Wade moved around the engine room. Strange how this room had come to muffle out all the voices and been a haven to discuss anything that might come up.

He glanced at Jacob, really looking at him.

Jacob was a nice looking young man with thick dark brown hair and blue eyes. He'd make some fine young lady a good husband someday. If he lived through this war. And right now Wade had begun to worry about that.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you how dangerous this is, and how it would crush Beth's heart if anything happened to you. And mine." Wade assured him.
