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Jacob stared at him and shook his hand, "I'll do my best not to let anything happen…"

"Anytime you want to back out of this, you can…"

"I'm in it now. I wanted to join the union forces, that's why I came with Beth, but when I realized you needed me here, I couldn't leave. I like working here Wade. I want you to know how much I appreciate the trust you've put in me."

"Just stay alive…that's all I ask." Wade put his hand on his shoulder.

Jacob smiled.

As they prepared for Jacob's first run, Wade drew him a map of how to get through, but he asked that he memorize it and not take it with him. He couldn't be caught coming back to the boat. That was important.

Jacob agreed.

The message was tucked into his boot, the map memorized, and Jacob was eager to do his part in the war. Just before he slipped overboard he smiled at Wade. "Maybe we can help end this war…"

Wade nodded with a smile.

Beth had kissed Jacob goodbye and stood away from the railing so as not to bring attention to the action. Even though it was late at night, some soldiers were about the boat.

Wade turned to see Beth staring with tears in her eyes. "Oh darling, it will be alright. He wanted to go."

"I know. It's not that…"

"Then what is wrong?"

"I'm in labor!" She cried.

"My God, honey, let's get you to the room, and I'll fetch the doctor." Wade told her.

"My water just broke…" She said in a whisper.

Wade picked her up in his arms and carried her straight through. Several passengers strolling along deck noticed them.

"Something wrong?" They asked.

Wade barely turned his head, "We're having a baby."

"Oh my," the woman with the man said. "Can I help?"

"I'd appreciate it…" Wade called to the woman.

Wade lay her on the bed gently, kissed her brow and went for the doctor.

The doctor smiled when he told him. "No rush, Wade, first babies are famous for being late in showing up. I'll get my bag and be right there."

"Thanks doc…" Wade said with distress on his face.

/> "Here now, she'll be fine. She's in great shape." The doctor smiled again at Wade's impatience.

"I've never been through this before doc…" Wade said taking a slow breath.

"Yes, I can see that…Has her water broke?"


"How far apart are her pains?"

"I don't know doc…" Wade looked completely confused. "Should I know that?"
