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Beth beamed, "I love that, Jacob Henry Leroy Cahill."

Wade smiled down into her face. "I love you Beth Cahill."

"Oh Wade…isn't it wonderful?"

"Our first and maybe last child." Wade announced.

"What? You don't want any more children?" She looked almost worried.

"Not if it means hurting you…"

She laughed, a real belly laugh, "Oh Wade…don't you know that women forget the pain the moment they see their child?"

"They do?"

"Yes darling. I think God has a hand in that." She smiled.

"Well, maybe three or four more then…" he smiled.

"That would be good…" she sighed happily.

The baby began to cry and Beth fed him, he was hungry and he lapped at her breast. Wade watched the perfect picture of a woman, he thought to himself.

That evening as he made his rounds around the boat, everyone was congratulating him and Wade went on deck to stare out over the waters. Jacob would be back soon now and they'd celebrate together. He smiled to himself, he wondered what old General Martin would say if he could see him now.

For a moment, in this trying times, Wade relaxed and enjoyed his life. Although it was a brief moment, it was a time he'd never forget as long as he lived.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jacob was late returning and Wade was fit to be tied. If anything happened to Jacob, Beth would never forgive him. Besides, he come to think a lot of Jacob. He admired how he had taken on the responsibilities of the boat so easily and how he had been so willing to help with the messaging.

For months now he had tried to remain calm and collected around the passengers, but putting Jacob in the line of trouble cost him a lot of sleep.

Wade was a tiger now, pacing the deck eagerly waiting word of Jacob. He couldn't tell Beth yet, he'd wait a bit before disturbing her. It was hard to sit back and let someone else do his job for him, although he knew it would be better in the long run, it created more tension in him. Somehow he had to appear calm, for there were simply too many rebels on board not to.

The roar of distant canons worried him even more. Hearing the canons daily, and seeing smoke in the distance was enough to worry anyone. Had Jacob made it through the enemy lines? It had been harrowing for him, his last trip, he could imagine what Jacob was going through.

But Jacob was waiting at the next docking and Wade breathed a sigh of relief. Even though Jacob looked a bit winded, and sweaty, he didn't look any worse for wear. His glance said everything.

Heading straight for the engine room, Wade announced loudly, "Did you get that part for the engine I asked you to get?"

"Yep, it's in my bag."

That was a planned conversation and Jacob carried a bag with him with parts in it to make it look authentic if anyone stopped him along the way.

Jacob nodded and followed. Although there were workers in the engine room, no one could hear another unless they were standing on top of each other. So it was a safe place to talk. Gabby the engine man waved to them when he came in, Gabby was nearly deaf from working in the engine room so many years. So Wade was confident Gabby couldn't hear a thing. Hal that worked with him was usually talking to Gabby or busy with the engine itself. The two of them worked closely every day.

Wade trusted his employees and he told them at the beginning of the war that they would try to remain neutral through it, as much as possible. The men all agreed.

"Did you have any trouble getting through?" Wade asked standing very close so Jacob could hear him in his hushed voice, knowing the answer before Jacob spoke.

"Not getting through, getting back. Several spotted me, and I had to double back on them and I-I killed them. Two of them. I didn't want them guessing my destination so I tried to throw them off my trail first, then I doubled back on then. They wouldn't let it go without a fight. I killed them with my knife. I was afraid a gun would be heard."

Wade's frown spoke louder than words. "There will be trouble. But that was smart using your knife. Just glad it turned out in your favor."

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I couldn't allow them to find me escaping to the Lady Belle."

"No, you did right. But now they'll be more watchful than ever." Wade warned. "Everyone will be suspect. Which is nothing new for me."
