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"I found another route that we might could use. I'll map it out for you and see what you think. We can't keep using that same trail, they are bound to catch us if we do."

"Your right about that," Wade nodded as the engines provided the background music and kept anyone from hearing them. "Go ahead and draw me a map, we'll check it out and see how it works. By the way…you’re an Uncle now…of Little Jacob!"

"Little…Jacob? It was a boy?" Jacob cried with a hearty laugh. "Ya'll named him after me? I'm touched!"

"Healthy as can be, and big. She went into labor as you were leaving." Wade told him with a beaming smile. "Guess that shows you how much she cares."

"Can't wait to see the little bugger. I guess I should clean up, and I'll draw that map up, then go see sis!"

"Sounds good, and don't forget to eat!"

Jacob nodded and dashed off to his cabin.

Wade waited to leave the engine room, in case there were any soldiers about. Leaving with Jacob would be too suspicious and there were rebel forces on board nearly every trip now. They had to be more than a little careful, one of the things that threw suspicion on them was the fact that Wade hadn't joined up, and neither had Jacob, so they were looked upon with hostility.

Despite Jacob's success in getting through, the killings would draw suspicions around everyone and the soldiers would be on alert now. It meant things would be worse than ever and Wade knew Jacob had no choice. If they'd have realized where he was headed, it would spoil the entire operation.

Deciding to put on a false front for Beth though, he went to tell her that Jacob had returned and all was well.

"Oh, I'm so glad he got through…" She sighed in Wade's arms. "Where is he? I'd love to see him."

"He'll be along shortly, he wanted to clean up and I told him to eat."

The baby was sleeping in a crib one of the hands had made for it. Wade held her against him. "He's pretty excited that you named the baby after him and he'

ll be in to see you real soon."

"Wonderful. So how does it feel to be a father now?" She smiled temptingly at him.

"It's a hefty responsibility but I'm gonna love it." Wade smiled and kissed her on the nose. Then he pet the baby as he slept. "He's sure a handsome little critter."

"That's because he was so big. Little babies tend to be less pink. I'm so hungry," she sighed.

"Well, I'll go see what kind of meal the cook can come up with…"

"Thanks…" She kissed his jaw and he moved toward the door.

"Thank you…" he glanced at her over his shoulder. Then as an afterthought, he bent down over the crib and kissed his son.

"For what?" She chuckled.

"My son!" He beamed as he turned to look at her.

Wade bumped into Jacob and whispered not to tell Beth about the killings. Jacob agreed. Wade proceeded on to the kitchen.

Jacob went inside the room to see her. "Hey there girl. I hear you had yourself quite a time while I was gone."

She chuckled and nodded toward the crib. "That's your nephew, Little Jake."

"Never call a child little, they hate that…" Jacob corrected her. "Remember Joan, she reminded me of that so many times."

Beth smiled in reflection. "I remember…"

Jacob didn't mind that the baby was sleeping, he just picked him up in his arms and held him as he sat beside her on the bed.

"Well would you look at that, he's as big as you please…" Jacob chuckled. "Look at those chubby little fingers too!"

"I'm so glad you are back…" she touched his arm.
