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"Me too. I missed all the excitement, didn't I?" Jacob laughed.

"Did you have any problems?" She asked with a worry wrinkle sliding over her features.

"No, not really, just dodging the rebels is all." He attempted a smile.

Beth's gaze narrowed on him now. "That's all?"

Jacob was playing with the baby now, as their voices had woken him. Jacob made some strange faces at him and the baby wiggled in his arms. "God, he's beautiful…"

Beth watched as pure joy spread over her like a warm blanket.

"You're going to be strong like your daddy, and tall, and very brave, I can see that now." Jacob talked to the baby.

Beth sat mesmerized by the sight of her brother holding her child.

"You're going to make a fine father yourself one day." Beth said, her voice growing husky.

"I hope so. But I gotta find a girl for that…" He blushed.

Beth couldn't stop the chuckle. "That won't be hard for you, you are quite the charmer. I've seen you with some of the ladies on this boat, and yes, you know how to charm them."

Jacob smiled at her, a slight blush to his cheeks.

"Jacob," Beth grabbed his arm once more, "If the pressure gets too much for you, let us know. Will you?"

"Of course, but things went okay. Don't fret over me, sis."

"You need to quit worrying so much over me and Wade. You'll have your hands full taking care of that little fella…" He put the baby back in his crib and covered him.

"He's a healthy looking baby." Jacob smiled at her.

"Did you eat?"

"No, going there next." Jacob informed her.

"Wade bringing me a tray back."

"Good, you have to keep up your strength."

"I'd better go now. I'll see you later." He nodded and left.

Beth laid back in the bed and glanced at her baby. It was a miracle, having a child.

Soon Wade came back with the tray of food and they talked all the time she ate. Like Wade, she was relieved that Jacob was back and her smile reflected it.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

But it didn't take long for the murders to become common knowledge as the soldiers were talking about it. Wade overheard them and tried to remain calm. Any wrong moves and they'd be asking him questions.

He saw a couple of soldiers talking about it, and when they noticed him they shut up.

It wasn't until Colonel Harrington came aboard though that the tension began to increase. Colonel Harrington was a brash, almost rude officer, young and arrogant. He had blonde hair, and cutting brown eyes that bore into a person when he stared. And he stared often.

He seemed more than determined to question Wade. Wade told Jacob to make himself scarce whenever he saw the officer.

"Are you singling me out…?" Wade frowned at the Colonel.

"Not at all. But anyone that is southern that hasn't joined the cause yet, is naturally under suspicion. You understand. I'm sure you've come to expect it from us, haven't you Mr. Cahill?" he tossed his name like a burnout match. "And I’m also sure you've heard about the killing of two of my lower ranked officers."
