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He found a old retired doctor in a saloon who fixed up his leg and doctored him so as not to get an infection.

But for a few days it was almost impossible to get around and he was sure Beth and Jacob were worried sick. He had to get word to them somehow.

Luckily a black man that used to work for Wade on the boat some years prior ran into Wade in one of the local saloons and Wade sent him to locate General Ransom. He knew he could trust Joe as he'd been a good friend for many years. Wade had a lot of old friends in the area since he'd grown up on that boat all those years ago. Wade informed the General in his message that he intended to burn the Lady Belle and escape.

So when Joe, the black man returned to let him know he'd delivered the message and given him another message, Wade paid him and sent him to the boat to let Beth and Jacob know that his plans was to blow up the boat and escape.

It was up to Beth and Jacob to tell all the employees. So one by one, they notified each employee of the intention to blow the boat up and for all concerned to abandon ship. The last man aboard could inform the passengers just in time to escape harm.

Wade had secretly planned this day down to the nail. He knew if he was caught it would be the only way to escape. He had bought the necessary items for a bomb and him and Jacob had discussed it many times, Jacob knew what to do.

Beth was afraid but Jacob assured her that Wade had made these plans months ago and if the time came he was to do exactly as instructed.

It was late fall now and it was planned after they took off for Vicksburg to blow up the boat and jump ship. Beth, the baby and Jacob would get off at Natchez and Wade was to soon meet them somewhere along the shoreline.

Wade was on the other side of Natchez as they deported and Jacob scouted the area to find him quickly.

He was on the banks, and the Captain was to warn all the passengers there was a bomb on board and to jump ship.

Wade watched, and saw the explosion and the people jumping off the boat, screaming and yelling. He felt bad about putting innocent people through that, but there was no other way. He had to get his family away from the boat and they couldn't go home to Texas yet.

He had set all his plans in motion, he knew the day would come when they would catch him and he knew he had to be prepared to do what was necessary. He even discussed it with the General so that they would know what his plan was and to destroy any incriminating evidence.

Beth, the baby, and Jacob met up with Wade and watched the terrible sight.

Beth saw the distress on Wade's face and went to him, handing the baby to Jacob. "Wade, I talked to the Captain and he said he'd give as much warning to the people as he could."

"I know that, but there's always those who don't believe it's happening. that's what we are seeing right now. Thanks to Joe, an old friend and ex-employee of mine, I got word to The General in Natchez. So he's aware of what his happening. By the time the rebels catch up to the boat, there won't be one. But we must hurry…"

"Where are we going?"

"To a safe place…" Wade assured her. "It's already arranged."

Beth pulled on his arm. "Did you plan all of this?"

His face mirrored his emotions now. "I had to darling for all our sakes.

Jacob held the baby as they escaped through the brush way down the banks of the Mississippi. They traveled for some time.

It was late but finally late that next evening they caught up to the small cabin by the river. An old man answered the door and after greeting Wade, hugging him, he let them in. "Beth, Jacob, I want you to meet Captain Demetrius Wallace, he was the first Captain of the Lady Belle, when my father ran it."

Beth and Jacob shook his hand. "Welcome to my home. You make yourselves to home now, you'll be staying with me a while…" Demetrius smiled a toothless grin.

But as they all rested that first night and didn't dare go outside yet, Beth fixed everyone a big supper as Demetrius had plenty of food on hand and then she tended the baby. Later her and Wade laid in the bed that Demetrius offered them.

Jacob had carried the baby through the woods to the cabin and he was as tired as the baby and went right to sleep after supper. But Beth and Wade needed some talking time.

The old Captain slept in the front room and snored loudly. He had a shaggy dog that slept by his side named Skipper.

"I'm so sorry about the boat…" Beth cried against his shoulder.

"Don't you fret about that. It's much better than hanging or going to Andersonville." Wade told her and squeezed her close.

"But the boat…was your livelihood." She gasped.

He nodded, "And I thought it was the most important thing in my life, until you came along, and then him…" he pointed to the baby who was fast asleep.

"I can get another job, I can't get another wife and baby." She told her. "Not like you at least and nothing less would do."
