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She smiled at that. "What happens now?"

"The General told me to lay lo

w, they don't think this war is going to last much longer." Wade told her.

"But…how can they be sure?" Beth cried.

"The rebels are fighting with barefeet and throwing stones. I don't think they can hold out much longer, honey. They are completely threadbare, a lot of them have deserted and gone home. It's over, just a matter of time. Of course we aren't in the biggest part of the mess, which is Virginia and Georgia. Sherman he's about to let loose too."

"Oh God, Wade, it would be pure joy if it's true."

"It will take a while longer, but we've got to lay low. Change our names and not communicate with our family or anyone else." Wade told her.

"Oh, they'll all worry themselves sick…"

"I know that, but there's nothing we can do until this is over. If the rebels knew where we were, I'd go to Andersonville or hang, so would Jacob. We know too much."

Beth reached to kiss him. "I couldn't bear that."

"I know, that's part of the reason we are here now. The Captain told me a long time ago, that if I ever needed him, to look him up. Since I knew where he lived, I did. We are safe here. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you worrying every time I went out, but this was bound to happen honey. I planned all of this months ahead of time, so I'd know exactly what to do when the time came. I knew it would happen. If I hadn't planned it, then the real calamity would have been disastrous."

"I saved this for you." She smiled and handed him something.

"What's this?"

"You're Captain's log. I thought you'd want to keep it."

"We'll get another boat, Beth, later…it would do no good until the war is over though."

"Oh do you think we could?" She asked her surprised look full of hope.

"I think so. Yes…" he said. "Most of the money I've made off that boat is tied up in stocks and bonds, in a bank, but I think I can get to them sooner or later. We might be here a long while, Beth, I want you to know that. So get comfortable, and make it our home. As soon as it is safe to leave, we will. We'll go back to Texas. I promise you that."

She clung to him now, her fears subsiding glad that he had the sense to plan for this time in their lives. She didn't care if she had to stay here, they would be safe here, she could feel that in her bones. And she didn't even mind losing the boat, it was replaceable, but most of all she was glad that Wade was here with her.

The next day she realized that Wade had been injured and treated his wound that was healing nicely.

"How did you ever manage to get so much help?" She asked perplexed by his ability.

"Most of the people work for me Beth, or have in the past. All but the doc. I just happened to run into him in my escape. Guess the man upstairs is watching over me a little too."

"A lot, I'd say!" She cleaned and dressed his wound, kissed him on the cheek and made breakfast that next morning.

The baby was looking at the dog and suddenly he got up and walked toward Beth.

"My God…he walked…"

Wade stared down at him, then picked him up, "He sure did! What a big fella you are getting to be."

"Dada." he said, and surprised them again.

"Walking and talking?" Wade looked at his son with such pride.

Jacob chuckled, "He's a rounder isn't he?"

"He's a cute little chunk, looks a lot like you did Wade when you were little." Demetrius chuckled aloud.

"He's been talking a while, he would say Mama and bye-bye, and a few other things. But that's the very first time he said Dada." Beth beamed.
