Page 26 of Taste of Temptation

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"Put the fork down.” He whispered the words against her ear, but she recognized it as an order. Silverware clattered against the dessert plate. He breathed deeply against her ear, his breath warm and moist. With his left hand, he slowly turned her head toward him.

Wildly, her gaze flickered about the room. Was anyone watching? Did she care?

Smoldering with heat, he stared deeply into her eyes, drowning her with his will, his control. Tension mounted, his gaze a physical touch sliding down to her mouth. Lazily, he let his gaze drop lower, and her breasts burned to feel his touch, to feel the heat of his mouth, the stroke of his tongue. Trembling, she made a soft noise, desperate and needy yet so afraid she'd embarrass herself.

His gaze worked back up to her mouth. Her lips fell open; she couldn't help it. She couldn't stop her tongue from wetting her lips in invitation, either. He lifted his gaze to hers and she sucked in a deep breath, bracing for attack.

Tilting her head just so, he slanted his mouth across hers. His tongue slid deep, conquering and claiming every inch of her. This was no little torment or play; this was total domination. His mouth took hers, his tongue thrusting like his body would, not fast, not unsure, but deep and steady, demanding thrusts which left her no defense. One, two, and she quivered, crying out softly into his mouth as climax roared through her. Her hands scrambled on the table, her body shaking against his. She finally got one hand under the table, her left, and reached for his groin.

He made a rough sound against her lips, his hips jerking, thrusting his erection firmly into her palm. God, he was big and hard, swelled against those black jeans. Her body tightened down all over again, aching to feel him sliding inside, claiming her as his mouth had just done.

Releasing her mouth, he bent his head and lightly kissed her shoulder. The waiter approached with their ticket, so Conn gently peeled her hand off him, placing a kiss in her palm. She could only sit there, panting quietly, trying not to rub herself all over him. She'd just climaxed in the middle of a busy restaurant. From a kiss. Had anybody noticed? Torn between embarrassment and need, she kept her gaze down.

Her hard nipples were very, very prominent against the thin white of the dress. She crossed her arms, hoping the waiter didn't get an eyeful. Noticing her discomfort, Conn slipped his leather jacket around her shoulders. The coat was heavy around her, smelling incredibly of leather and him. Wrapped in that coat, she fought not to rub her face against it and see if she could come again.

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The only thing stronger than Amber Grayson and Brian Matther's loathing for each other, is their all consuming lust.Consumed© 2006 Moira McTarkAmber Grayson's dates never seem to measure up. That is, until Brian Matthers—the boy from high school who sparked such intense longing in her, no other man could compare—returns to her life.

When Amber and Brian come together, their powerful chemistry overwhelms them both, leading them to fall hard and fast. But betrayals are easy to believe when things seem too good to be true, and the romance ends as fast as it starts.

Only Brian and Amber have had a taste of the heat between them, and a taste isn't nearly enough. Nothing is hotter than make-up sex ... except break up sex and when the two indulge in no-strings attached sex tempers flare and barbs fly. Brian quickly discovers that the only thing more intense than Amber's wrath is her passion.

Embarking on a relationship that is strictly sexual and gratifies their most torrid fantasies, they soon find that abiding by the unspoken rule of strictly sex proves more challenging than either of them expected.

Enjoy the following excerpt from Consumed

Amber was tucked into Brian's chest, soaking his tee-shirt with the sodden fabric of her own. Her breasts pressed flat against him as he lifted her with one arm and carried her out of the bar.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?” she hissed, pushing out of his grasp.

Dumbfounded, he stared back at her. “Are you freaking kidding me, Amber? If I'd known your goal was to get mauled by a bunch of strangers, I would have offered you a second drink to splash over your tits, given you a leg up to stand on the bar."

"Screw you, Brian. I was fine. That guy was grabby, but I was fine.” Her voice faltered slightly, giving away her shaken state.

He yanked the shirt off and held it out. If he was going to get arrested, he'd at least leave Amber with a little coverage.

He shoved the shirt towards her. “Here, put this on."

She looked down at it like he was offering her rancid meat.

"That's it.” He stalked over to her, grabbed her shoulders and spun her so she faced the darkened glass of a closed storefront. “Look!"

Amber gasped at her reflection, crossing her bare arms over her chest. “Give it to me!” She grabbed for the shirt and quickly slipped it on. The absence of her ample bosom was a bittersweet victory. Brian leaned forward, trying to control the delivery of his words. “Are you here with anyone? Can someone take you home?"

She was still looking in the glass at the image of herself now wrapped in Brian's shirt. “No. I had a crappy day at work, made a stupid mistake—my head ... anyway, I just wanted to get out and burn off some steam. Danny was going to meet me during his break, but some delivery got screwed up and he had to run out. So it was just me. I didn't think I'd see you here. I figured it was the last place you'd go."

She turned to face him. Her eyes glittered with tears for a second before she turned and walked toward her apartment.

Brian's fingertips tingled where he'd wanted to run them over her cheek and soothe away that look of sadness. He stepped back and searched the bar window for Neil, who was nowhere to be found. Maybe Miss Giggles had gotten lucky, or maybe Neil was in the john, but either way, Brian didn't have time to stick around and find out.

Amber was already pushing the corner when he caught up with her.

She shot him a scathing glance and kept walking. “What are you doing out here?"

"Amber, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night. I want to make sure you get home, okay? The way you look right now, it's probably not a good idea for you to be walking alone.” She had on tight grey Capri pants that hugged her ass in a way that told the story of someone who ran religiously. With every breeze, his shirt billowed open, revealing the soaked little baby tee that cropped off at just about the bottom of her ribs and left a sexy expanse of flat abdomen for the casual observer's viewing pleasure. With all that skin and swell, there was no way he could let her walk home alone.

"That's awfully noble of you, Brian, but I don't need your help."
