Page 35 of Lust

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“It also takes courage and strength to stand on my own two feet, but you would both rather I marry a man I don’t love. A man who has kept me as his prisoner. A man who’s raped me repeatedly!”

“Don’t speak like that. The world is not always a friendly place, Milana. Our families don’t always have the luxury of marrying for love. I’ve told you before, you will learn to love Stefano.”

“And I told you before, I’m in love with Salvatore.”

She immediately shushes me as if someone will hear us. I don’t care who hears it. I am in love with Salvatore Moretti. I start stripping off the dress right there on the fitting stand. My eyes dart over to the guard, who is still blocking the door. A swift kick the groin will remedy that.

“My father bartered me off like cattle,” I say angrily. “I have been fucked and fucked over and I’m done.”

My mother follows me as I walk half-naked to the dressing room. She tries to talk some sense into me while I get my clothes on.

“We all have to play our parts,tesoro.”

“Father can play his part all he wants. He doesn’t get to assign them to me.”

The moment the words are out of my mouth, there’s a stinging in my neck. I stare in horror as my mother pulls a syringe away, whispering an apology as my knees buckle. I drop to the floor, trying to stay conscious, but it’s no use.

“I’m so sorry.Perdonami.”

My own mother drugged me. Betrayed me.

I suppose she’s playing her role, too. Dammit, she played it well.



Ihead inside the casino, acknowledging how strange it is not to have any betting or games going on. Several men are already present. My father should be here already.

I check my watch. It’s a few minutes past six. Before I can comment on his tardiness, the doors open. My fucking breath catches in my throat as he drags Milana inside. She’s naked, her stunning body on display for all to see. Stefano’s fingers are tangled in her hair, roughly jerking her forward. Her wrists are bound, the ropes digging into her soft flesh. Riccardo is at Stefano’s side, not doing a damn thing to help his daughter.

“What the fuck is this?” Colvin mumbles.

“My son! I brought you a gift!” he says, shoving Milana forward. She falls to her knees, biting back a sob.

Calmly, I remove my jacket and walk over to her. No one says a word, but their eyes are on me as I kneel down, covering her. A soft whimper escapes Milana’s lips, and I do my best to maintain my control.

“You’re going to be okay. I promise,” I whisper into her ear.

I pray I can keep it. Stefano knows. He knows fucking everything. My plan. My betrayal. It’s the only reason she would be here like this.

“It’s going to be okay,” I assure her again, reaching into my pocket for my knife. I use it to cut the ropes loose, daring Stefano to say something. I start to stand, but she stops me.

“You own it all,” she says quietly. “Everything. Your mom left it to you. You’re not even his son.”

I shush her, not wanting him to hear us. I should’ve told her. Should’ve told her the truth. Fuck. I should’ve told her everything. Hell, I should’ve taken my mother’s treasure box from that house a long time ago. My father never even knew it existed, and I always thought it was safer hidden away.

“Isn’t this sweet? My fiancé and son are getting along so well. Imagine that.”

I rise up, masking my emotions, unwilling to show him how affected I am. I’ve been plotting this moment for years. This isn’t exactly how I planned for it to go down.

“Do you like my gift, son?” Stefano questions. “I know how much you’ve wanted her. I even know how much you’ve wanted my fucking throne. You wanted it enough to kill two innocent men!”

I don’t argue with him. I did kill two men. Their innocence is questionable. I’ll kill more for Milana. Hundreds. Thousands. Whatever it takes.

“You see, gentleman, my son, my own flesh and blood, has betrayed me. If it weren’t for Riccardo here, I wouldn’t have even known. I always thought you were a pussy, but bravo,figlio.”

I glare at Riccardo, his emotions masked much the same as mine. He doesn’t even flinch at the sight of Milana. I’m dying inside. Dying to go to her. To pull her into my arms and shield her from the horrible reality she’s been living in.

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