Page 12 of The Detective

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She backed away from me and just looked at me, and finally she kissed my check and said, “I have only dreamed that you would have feelings for me too.”

“I am going to kiss you now. Is that okay?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

And I kissed her with so much passion I swear fireworks went off. But it wasn’t exactly fireworks, it was the crowd behind us clapping.



I never thought when I woke up yesterday morning that I would have been kidnapped by Wayne. I really thought that I was going to die and no one would even care. But to my surprise not only did Ava, Seals and Bounty, SWAT, and the police show up, but Blair exchanged himself for me. He actually loved me enough to do that. I was still in shock about fact. But he really does love me.

After we left the cabin, he drove me to my house and I asked him to stay with me. I didn’t want to be alone. I knew that Wayne and Jake were in jail, but I was still shaken up.

I went and took a shower and ordered us in Chinese food. We ate in the living room in front of the TV. I fell asleep with my head laying on his chest. The only reason I know that is because he picked me up and laid me on my bed and tucked me in.

I missed the feel of him near me and wished I had the courage to ask him to lay with me, but he went back out to the couch after kissing me on my forehead.

I knew now that I had found my true love, and he would protect me at all costs.



Four months later….

Never in a million years did I think I would be marrying the man of my dreams, literally! But here I am. Ava and Dottie helped with all the planning. Grayson and Ava wouldn’t allow me to have it anywhere other than on the estate near the creek that runs through the backyard. Almost the exact place they had their wedding. Ava was my matron of honor. My bridesmaids consisted of Katie, Talley, Mari, Carol, Stacy and Layla, the wives of the guys at Seals and Bounty and of course Caroline. Grayson walked me down the isle. Dottie supervised the caterer, or course! Blair’s groomsmen were the Seals team and Grayson his best man because without Grayson’s case we never would have met.

I had held off on us having sex until our wedding night. I wanted it to be perfect and being the wonderful gentleman that Blair is, he agreed.

Tonight, was the night! I was a little nervous and excited to finally make love to my hero.

The wedding was beautiful. Grayson and Ava brought out all the stops. They paid for everything but the honeymoon. We tried to argue, but Grayson was adamant that it was the bride’s family that paid for the wedding, and since we are family that meant him.

Even though Blair and I paid for the honeymoon, Grayson flew us to the Cayman Islands on his private jet. Once we landed, we were driven to the resort by a limousine. Once inside the honeymoon suite, I let Blair shower first because I knew if I came out first, a shower would be the last thing on his mind.

After my shower, I put on this sexy little lingerie set that Ava and I picked out. I took another look in the mirror before walking out the bathroom to my waiting husband.

I swear his mouth hit the floor and all my nervousness went away. The scars from my abusive ex were still there and noticeable, but Blair didn’t care. All he said he saw was beauty when he took me in his arms and laid me on the bed.

He made love to me like I have never been made love to before. There was so much love and passion coming from him that I forgot all about my nerves and my scars. It was just him and I forever.

