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Now that I’ve sampled a taste, I can’t imagine not having more. There’s no way any other man will ever measure up. When his mouth fuses to mine, the velvety softness of his tongue wreaking havoc inside me, it feels like I’ll lose a piece of myself. In that moment, I realize I’ll never be the same again.

This boy will ruin me for all others.

And yet, that innate knowledge isn’t enough to stop this moment from unfolding.

Whatever happens, I refuse to regret it.

He pulls away just enough to mutter, “So damn sweet. Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

Maybe. But only because he does the exact same thing to me. He turns my world upside down and inside out. I have no idea how I’ll ever fight my way free of him.

When his mouth resettles on mine, I open, only wanting him to delve back in so I can forget everything that rages outside this bedroom. The caress is fleeting before he’s sitting back, creating distance between us.

Too much distance.

My body aches as I shift restlessly. His fingers loosen from around my wrists before stroking down my bare arms until they can reach my ribcage. His gaze tracks the steady movement as his palms settle on my breasts, squeezing the softness. Unlike when he touched me in the hallway before school, the way he handles me now is gentle.

Just as my eyelids flutter shut and I arch into his palms, the warmth disappears. He grips the hem of my tank and drags it upward until he can peel it away, tossing it to the carpeted floor alongside the bed.

His gaze fastens onto my breasts. “How are you this beautiful?”

No one has ever stared at me so openly. It’s almost as if he’s trying to soak up every single detail and commit it to memory. Heat flushes my cheeks and chest as my arms rise to shield my nudity.

“Don’t do that.” His voice drops, becoming rougher. “Don’t ever hide yourself from me.” His arms rise, shackling my wrists once more before dragging them above my head to the pillow. “Leave them there.”

It’s a struggle to do as he says and not move them. When he sits back, eating me up with his eyes, I can’t help but shift beneath his penetrating stare.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I’m not,” I lie.

“Good. I’ve been fantasizing about what you looked like beneath your uniform since we met. Now, I finally get to see every damn inch. I can take my time and spread you out. I can stare at you for hours if that’s what I want.”

The low hum of his voice and the meaning of his words strums something deep inside I didn’t know existed. The thought of him doing exactly that is such a turn-on.

His thumbs and forefingers settle around each turgid peak before giving them a small pinch. A sizzle of pain zips through me before it’s chased away by a flash of pleasure.

“Such stiff little nipples.”

A whimper escapes from me and my back bows. Need spirals through me as the buds become impossibly hard. When he tweaks them for a second time, a fresh burst of arousal explodes in my core before throbbing insistently to life. He stays focused on my chest, playing with me, twisting and pulling until it feels like I’ll self-combust.

Darkness fills his eyes as they flicker to mine. “You like that, don’t you?”

There’s no point in denying it. More than that, I don’t want to. “Yes.”

His hands are so big and yet he knows exactly how much pressure to apply to give the most pleasure. Before I’m ready, his fingers disappear. I cry out in protest before he leans down, drawing one aching peak between his lips and sucking it greedily into his mouth.

I twist beneath him. So badly do I want to tunnel my fingers through his hair, but I’m afraid to move. Afraid to disobey him.Just when I can’t bear another moment of this exquisite torture, he releases me with a soft pop. His warm breath feathers over the other aching tip and a shiver slides through me as he draws me farther inside his mouth.

With every tug, pleasure ricochets throughout my being.

Even though he’s barely touched me, it won’t be long until I’m falling to pieces.

“Austin,” I moan.

He nips the hard point and another round of explosions detonates at the bottom of my belly. Just like this afternoon, my panties are now completely soaked. I have the feeling he’d ruin every single pair if given half the chance.

“What, sweet girl? What do you want?”
