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Instead, I want to drag him closer until the woodsy scent of his cologne teases my senses and makes my head spin. I want to feel his warm breath drifting over my lips.

When I flatten against the wall, his wide palms settle on each side of my head until I’m caged in and there’s nowhere for me torun. I crane my neck in order to hold his steady gaze. Within the green depths, I see all the questions vying for precedence.

“You’ve been avoiding me.”

There’s no way I can answer that without lying.

Confusion flickers across his face as his voice softens. “I wasn’t expecting that after our conversation.”

He lowers his mouth just enough for his minty breath to waft over my lips. I have to bite back the whimper that tries to escape.

“Are you ever going to leave him?”


My mind screams the answer. I hate that I have to lie just to have a future with him.

“You deserve better. You realize that, right?”

My mouth turns so cottony that swallowing becomes impossible.

“He doesn’t treat you the way you deserve.”

His lips ghost over mine without ever quite touching. It won’t take much more of this sweet torture for me to lose my mind.


Maybe I should tell him what’s going on so he understands that he’s the only one I’m thinking about.

When I angle my head, he draws away. “You have to know that I’m not going to touch another dude’s girl. Even if that guy happens to be Jasper.” He bites out the last part.

With that, his hands fall away from the wall as he backs up, putting more distance between us.

The truth sits perched on the tip of my tongue.

“Austin…” My voice dies as Jasper steps into the room.


He glances at me and then Austin. The dark-haired boy straightens to his full height as if expecting a fight to break out. If I’m being honest, I’m bracing for it myself. Especially after whathappened Friday night at the game. But instead of going off the deep end and losing his shit, Jasper actually smiles.

My mouth falls open in surprise before I snap it shut.

He shifts, his gaze settling on Austin. “Thanks for making sure Delilah got home safely the other night. I was acting like an asshole, and she had every right to take off.”

Austin’s dark brows slide together as uncertainty flickers across his face. Like me, he’s thrown off balance by Jasper’s strange reversal.

“It wasn’t a problem. Guess I was just in the right place at the right time.”

“I’m glad you were.” There’s a pause as Jasper plows a hand through his short blond strands. “I know it’s a little late, but I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you. Instead of welcoming you to HP, I went out of my way to make you feel like you didn’t belong. Hawthornes get a bad rap in this town, and I allowed my preconceived notions about your family to dictate my thoughts and feelings. It was crappy on my part. You’re not your ancestors. At least, not the ones who founded the town or company. And you’re certainly not your grandmother either.” He glances away as if embarrassed by his own behavior before looking Austin square in the eye. “If you’re willing, I’d like the chance to start over.”

This time, when my mouth crashes open, there’s no shaking off the shock. I can’t believe I’m hearing all this. By the stunned expression marring Austin’s face, he feels the same.

When the other boy remains silent, Jasper forces out a self-deprecating laugh. “After all, we’re on the same team and have a lot of friends in common. We should probably try to get along and let the past stay where it belongs—in the past.” He thrusts out his hand. “What do you say, Hawthorne?”

Austin’s narrowed gaze drops to Jasper’s outstretched arm. For a long, silent moment, he remains still. My heart poundsa painful staccato against my ribcage as air gets clogged at the back of my throat.

Just when I think Austin will tell him to go to hell, he grasps the other boy’s hand and gives it a firm shake. “I’d like that.”
