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When the delicate hairs on my arms rise, I know exactly who she’s commenting on. Even though I should keep my head down and pretend I don’t see him, my gaze unconsciously lifts, colliding with his. A zip of energy sizzles through my veins, electrifying my insides. It’s as if a switch has been flipped and my body is being woken from a long, dormant slumber.

Austin Hawthorne.

I don’t understand what it is about the inky-haired, green-eyed boy that sets my nerves on edge and makes my heart skip a painful beat every time I catch sight of him. This attraction isn’t like anything I’ve experienced before. I can only liken it to a magnet, drawing me closer against my will. Everything about him screams danger. I’ve witnessed his short fuse for myself. I’ve seen him throw punches without the least bit of remorse.

Unlike my boyfriend, he only does it when provoked.

Jasper goes out of his way to needle him. That has everything to do with them both being quarterbacks and Austin showing up out of nowhere at the beginning of the school year.

Ever since I showed him around HP, I’ve done my best to avoid the muscular football player. What I’ve found is that it’s impossible to evade the intensity of his gaze. Whenever we’re in the same vicinity, his attention stays pinned to me. My back could be turned, and I’d still feel his penetrating stare licking over me.

I’ve come to both love and hate it.

“Too bad he’s a Hawthorne,” Aubrey sighs, voicing what all the other girls are thinking.

They might want to throw themselves at him, but they wouldn’t dare.

In this town, the name Hawthorne is a dirty word. Everyone would still be snubbing the twins if not for Kingsley Rothchild dating Austin’s twin sister, Summer. Now, the loathing is more of a lowkey simmer. The Hawthorne name might be stamped across the front of the building, but Kingsley runs this place. And no one, not even Jasper, is willing to incur his wrath.

Even though I’m helplessly ensnared by Austin’s gaze, I’m aware of Summer and Kingsley at his side.

There was a time when Kingsley was the ringleader in making their lives hell.

Especially Summer’s.

I have no idea what happened to change that, but for the moment, there’s peace in the kingdom.

Let’s hope it continues.

As they move toward us, I’m powerless to break the trance that has fallen over me. My heartbeat increases, pounding more harshly against my ribcage with every footstep. Even though I should yank my gaze away, I’m unable to do it.

I’m trapped within his penetrating depths.

If I’m not careful, I’ll drown in them.

As soon as we pass and our gazes are no longer able to cling, my muscles loosen and everything inside me wilts with relief.

Sometimes, it feels like I’m caught between these two boys. There’s one I want desperately to get away from and the other whom I find myself irresistibly attracted to.

All I know is that whatever happens, it won’t end well.


With my tray in hand, I join the line of students waiting to checkout. The dining hall at Hawthorne Prep in no way resembles a school cafeteria. The meals are served on fine-boned Lenox china and there’s a chef who prepares all the menus. The food is more on par with a high-end restaurant than a high school cafeteria.

Not that you can’t enjoy a burger and fries here, but you can also find crowned roast of pork with mushroom dressing or duck breasts with apricot chutney, if that’s your preference. It’s outrageously expensive, and my scholarship doesn’t cover the cost. Most of the time, I pack my own meal. PB & J, a small baggie of pretzels, an apple, and maybe an organic fruit snack.

If I’m running late, I’ll splurge and buy lunch.

Like today.

The place is gorgeous with weathered beams that cross the double story vaulted ceiling and arched stained-glass windows that allow shards of bright sunlight to flood into the space, giving it a warm feel. Gold-leaf framed photographs of the founders and first graduating classes dot the walls at strategic intervals. My eyes settle on the heavy wooden chandeliers that hold thickwhite tapered candles. The architecture and attention to detail is stunning.

From all outward appearances, this place resembles a sanctuary.

It’s the furthest thing from it.

There is no peace to be found.
