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“I know, and I’m feeling seriously neglected by your lack of interest. Want to change that?”

I clear my throat and try to redirect this conversation. “Can we please get to work? I need to pick up my mom by three.”

“Sure.” He drops down next to me on the bed. “After you admit you enjoy staring at my naked body.”


“All you have to do is admit the truth. Is that really so difficult?”

“I’m indifferent.”

His hand slips beneath my jaw before gripping it tightly and turning my face until there’s no other choice but to meet his steady gaze. It’s hot enough to singe me alive from the inside out. Carefully, he searches my eyes. It’s as if he can see all the secrets I keep locked away. It’s a disconcerting feeling.

“Liar.” He cocks his head. “Are you embarrassed by the truth?”

One hundred percent.

“I’m not attracted to you at all.”

A chuckle rumbles up from deep within his chest. “Hmmm.” His voice turns silky. “Should I prove what a little hypocrite you are?”

I shake my head, knowing there’s no way I’ll be able to withstand his touch before folding like a cheap house of cards. Already, I’m teetering on the brink. Before I realize what’s happening, he shoves me against the mattress and hovers over my upper body until his mouth can ghost over mine. The mintiness of his breath feathers against my lips. It’s just as intoxicating as the masculine scent of his cologne.

My head spins with his nearness as the intensity of his gaze holds mine captive. It wouldn’t take much to drown within their green depths. His lips drift across mine. The movement is unexpectedly tender. When I open, he slides downward, sharpteeth nipping at the point of my chin. Lower still and he’s moving along the slender column of my neck.

Mmmm. His mouth feels amazing.

Nothing like Jasper’s.

The difference is night and day.

Where my ex would instill panic and fear, Austin instills…




As much as I don’t want to feel it, there’s no stopping the heady mix of sensations as they rush through my veins.

And he knows it.

Knows exactly how he’s able to affect me with just one touch.

His teeth scrape against my collarbone before continuing his descent until he reaches the first button of my starched blouse. My breath catches as he separates the material and places a kiss between the swell of my breasts.

With a lift of his head, our gazes collide. “Ready to admit the truth, or should I keep going?”

“You win.” Barely has he touched me and already my breathing has turned labored.

My body stills as he slips the first pearly button from the loop before tugging the fabric apart.

“What have I won?” he asks, gaze focused on the skin he’s intent on bearing.

“Austin, please…”

“There you go again—begging. One of these days, I’m going to give you exactly what you’re pleading so prettily for.”

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