Page 18 of Dirty Hand

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With trepidation making his stomach queasy, George looked at the picture, then blinked. That was…hot. Was it the angle that made his ass seem so much rounder, more luscious? He wasn’t sure, but he liked it. Almost as much as the red splotches and stains…and Daddy’s handprints. “You can see your… I have your handprints on my ass, Daddy.”

The sound Jack made was like a growl, a happy and proud noise. “You do, and I really like that. I think we should make this a daily thing so you’ll have my handprints on your ass all the time.”

Another one of those things that sounded so cheesy and cavemanlike and yet shot straight to George’s balls and cock, making him shiver. Daddy chuckled, low and dark. “You like that, cupcake? You like knowing who you belong to?”

He didn’t belong to Jack. Hell, he didn’t belong to anyone. People weren’t possessions that could be owned. Rationally, George knew all that, and yet deep down, he liked how it sounded, loved how he felt inside at the thought that Jack would claim him as his. His boy, his fucktoy, his whatever.


“I asked you a question, boy.”

Fuck, that one stung, and tears pooled in George’s eyes. “Yes, Daddy. Sorry, Daddy.”

What was the question he’d forgotten to answer? Shit, he couldn’t remember. But if he didn’t answer again, Daddy would punish him even more. Before he could open his mouth and beg for forgiveness, Daddy’s hand came down on his neck, steadying him. “I asked if you liked knowing who you belong to?”

Thank fuck, he’d repeated the question. “Yes, Daddy.” He thought for a second, then decided to opt for honesty. “My brain tells me I shouldn’t, but I really do.”

Daddy’s grip grew tender as he caressed George’s neck, then slid down his back in a gentle stroke that soothed George. “It’s between you and me, cupcake. This isn’t something I’ll ever ask you to confirm in public. This is our play, okay?”

George breathed out with relief. Jack might have broken character by saying that, but George was grateful for the clarity it had provided. If this was part of the game, of the role-play, he could sink into it without worries or concerns, knowing that whatever he did or said wouldn’t have implications in real life. “Okay. Thanks, Jack.”

He’d used his name on purpose, wanting to communicate he’d understood Jack’s message. Jack patted his ass softly. “I think your ass can be even redder. What do you think? Did you learn your lesson yet?”

He’d switched back to playing, and the liberating truth slammed into George. If all this was play, then he could freely give in to his wants and needs as well. He didn’t have to pretend anymore out of fear of being too needy or too slutty or his own judgmental opinions that he should or shouldn’t like or do things. None of this was real in a way, and he could stop it with one word.

He took a deep breath. “I don’t think I’ve learned my lesson yet, Daddy. If you stop now, I know I’ll be disobedient again.”

Daddy rubbed his ass lovingly. “I appreciate your honesty, cupcake. Let’s make sure you’ll be a good boy for Daddy, hmm?”

Daddy went slower now, more gentle, caressing his ass in between, and George could focus on the delicious way the sting spread from his ass outward, turning into sharp pleasure, always tearing right on the edge. His cock grew hard, but he ignored it. After coming once without Daddy’s permission, he wasn’t making that mistake again.

Finally, Daddy stopped, and George hiccupped twice and caught his breath again. Without breaking a sweat, Daddy pulled him to his feet and hauled him onto his lap. George hissed when his ass hit Daddy’s skin, but he relaxed when Daddy tugged him close to him.

“Oh, cupcake, you’re so beautiful,” Daddy said with a sigh. “Even when you’re disobedient. Thank you for letting me be your Daddy.”


The spanking, while giving him new clarity, had also raised new questions for George. He’d loved the spanking itself—though he was still struggling to explain how something that hurt so much could feel that good—but the few minutes before they’d gotten to that point had been awful. The realization of disappointing Daddy had gutted him. What did that mean? The good news was that he knew who to ask what it meant to be a boy.

At first, George had wanted to talk to Saxton without Gale being there, but then he’d realized that wouldn’t be fair, not to Saxton or Gale. Gale had been his friend since high school, and he trusted him and his opinions. In fact, if anyone would tell him the truth—though lovingly—it would be Gale, and George would accept his words without questioning.

So he found himself facing both Gale and Saxton as they’d sat down in a shady spot in their garden, sipping homemade lemonade that was ten times better than the store-bought stuff. George squirmed a little in his seat, his ass still tender from the spanking Daddy had doled out the night before.

“What was so urgent that you had to talk to us today?” Gale asked, a hint of concern lacing his voice.

Fuck, now that he was here, he had no clue how to bring it up. Or what even his question was. He needed advice, but they couldn’t give it to him until he’d found a way to verbalize the conflicted mess of feelings inside him. Maybe he’d better start simple. Focus on the core issue. “If I told you I wanted a Daddy, what would you say?”

Saxton’s much dropped open a little, but Gale only studied him, a smile spreading across his face. “You’ve met someone.”

He’d always been smart. “Yeah. And it’s… I don’t know. Our dynamic is different from anything I’ve experienced before. He’s super dirty in bed with just the right amount of rough play, but then outside of the bedroom, he’s caring and kind, and he wants to take care of me.”

“Like how?” Saxton asked.

George sighed. “Like telling me to eat my veggies. Cooking healthy food for me. Telling me not to talk with my mouth full, that I should clean up after myself. Shit like that. And I’m sure he’ll have more he wants me to do, but we’ve just gotten started.”

“Hmm,” Gale said. “How does that make you feel?”

George dragged a hand through his hair. “Most of all really confused. I like it, but it’s also a bit irritating, but then I like it when he gets stern with me, and… I don’t know. It’s so messed up.”
