Page 19 of Dirty Hand

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“Who is he?” Gale asked.

“No one you know. I met him…” Fuck, he hadn’t even told Gale about the robbery. So much had passed since then that he’d completely forgotten. “When I left your house last weekend, I ran into some trouble in my neighborhood, and a guy came to my aid. His name is Jack, and I went home with him because I was a little shaken up.”

Gale’s eyes had gone wide. “Trouble? What kind of trouble?”

“The kind where they wanted more money than the twenty bucks I had in my wallet? Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep this from you, but a lot has happened since.”

“Shit, George, that’s the kind of thing you need to tell me! I’m glad you’re okay, though.” Gale leaned forward, looking at him intently. “You’re okay, right? Nothing bad happened?”

He shook his head. “No, Jack stepped in before things could get worse. I owe him a lot. But I was a little emotional afterward, and he took me home. He lives around the corner from me and heard me yelling for help.”

“Thank god,” Saxton said. “Statistics show that calls for help in situations like that often go ignored because people think someone else will act or call 911.”

A classic Saxton response, all rational and factual, and yet George appreciated his way of showing empathy. “Yeah, I got lucky.”

“So you went home with Jack, you had sex, then what?” Gale picked up the story.

George frowned. “How do you know I had sex with him?”

Gale lifted an eyebrow. “Does the phrase ‘super dirty in bed with just the right amount of rough play’ ring a bell? Kind of hard to know that if you didn’t do the horizontal samba.”

Right. “That doesn’t mean we hooked up that first night, though,” George offered weakly, then sighed when Gale’s expression remained unchanged. “Okay, we totally did. Whatever.”

“Dude, it’s fine. I’m not judging. But I know you, and you hadn’t scored dick yet that weekend, so that was an easy assumption.”

Gale wasn’t lying. Even though he was demisexual, he’d never once judged George for his high sex drive. He didn’t understand it, since he’d never felt that way, but he accepted George the way he was, just like George had come to embrace that for Gale and Saxton, sex wasn’t important at all.

“True. Anyway, we had sex, I spent the night, and then the next morning, he made me breakfast and got on my ass about being all healthy. I jokingly said, ‘Yes, Daddy,’ and he got all intense and serious about it, telling me he’d never used that word but that maybe he was a Daddy because he’d come to accept that dynamic was what he wants. And he suggested that he experiment with a boy to see if it felt right, and I volunteered for the job, and here we are.”

Silence. Gale and Saxton looked at each other.

“So that brings me to the question if you could see me with a Daddy?” George asked sheepishly.

Gale cleared his throat. “Let me start with a resounding yes, I could totally see that.”

George sat up straight. “Really?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because boys are usually more like… I don’t know, like sweet and cuddly and perfect and all desperate to please their Daddies, and I’m not? Plus, I understand why you love it, Saxton, the age play, but it’s not my thing.”

Gale snorted. “You’re the biggest snuggle bug known to man.”

Huh. He had a point there. “Okay, but what about everything else, then?”

“There’s no one set dynamic for a Daddy and a boy,” Saxton said softly. “What works for Gale and me won’t work for others. That’s because every Daddy and every boy is different, and they’ll have to figure out what they want from that dynamic.”

George frowned. “But what then is the defining characteristic? When is something a Daddy-boy relationship?”

Gale nodded slowly. “Good question. It’s not like there’s one accepted definition. I think the key aspect is that power dynamic with one person being the submissive boy and the other the Daddy-Dom, but in a relationship setting. Other than that, I think there’s a wide range of options. Age play is definitely not a requirement. We have friends who are Daddy-boy but not age play and others who are.”

“I think the core is that the Daddy wants to take care of the other, and the boy wants to be taken care of, however that plays out in real life,” Saxton added. “Some Daddies are more nurturing. Others thrive on discipline and strict rules. I know couples who do it only in the bedroom or only on the weekend, and for others, like for us, it’s pretty much a twenty-four-seven dynamic. They’re all good.”

“So maybe the question isn’t if we could see you as a boy with a Daddy, but if you could,” Gale took over again.

George leaned back in his chair, sipping his lemonade. “If I was a boy, wouldn’t I be unequivocally positive about Jack’s care for me?”

“What parts do you struggle with?” Gale asked.
