Page 26 of Dirty Hand

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“Pretty sure you’re not the one in charge, cupcake.” Daddy slapped his butt, and George giggled.

“Oh, a spanking!” Lexi called out from the doorway. “Can we watch?”

George laughed even harder. “No, you perv. Find your own Mommy, would you?”

Lexi rolled her eyes at him. “Dude, I’ll never be anybody’s baby girl, let me assure you.”

George looked sideways at Jack. “Mmm, I never thought I’d be into this either, and yet here we are, so don’t hold your breath, honey.”

Just as he’d expected, his friends were nothing but nice to Jack, and within minutes, Daddy’s nerves had disappeared. Maybe it helped that George was unapologetic in his affection for him, parking himself on Daddy’s lap as soon as the man had sat down. He’d had to watch Gale and Saxton for months, so now it was his turn.

“Jack, George told us you’re an actual lumberjack. That’s a not so common job,” AJ said as they’d all sat down with drinks and snacks.

“It’s not. Not anymore, at least. And that’s a good thing if you ask me. For too long, we’ve taken down trees without replacing them. I work for a company that’s committed to replanting and making sure we don’t deplete the Earth of its oxygen supply. But, erm…” He smiled at George. “I should say I used to work. I quit my job.”

George hadn’t been able to believe his ears when Jack had told him. He’d never expected him to come to that decision, but Daddy had explained that once he’d realized how much he loved George, the choice had been an easy one. Daddy loved him. George had cried that moment, declaring his own feelings for Jack between happy sobs.

It turned out that with all the overtime he’d accrued, Jack had been able to walk away from his job instantly, never going back to work. He’d agreed to fly in, in three weeks to say good-bye to his crew, but that was it. George had already ended his apartment lease, and they were in the process of moving his things over. If things went well, they were hoping to buy a house outside the city in the next year. Yes, things were moving ridiculously fast, but it didn’t scare him.

“Aw,” AJ said, their face all mushy. “That’s the sweetest thing ever.”

George beamed. “I picked a good one, right?”

Jack snorted. “Not quite sure who picked who, but I do know I’m the lucky one, cupcake.”

“You call him cupcake?” Gale said, laughing. “That’s the most perfect name for him ever.”

Jack kissed the top of George’s head. “That’s what he reminded me of, a sparkly, glittery, colorful, and sweet cupcake. One that leaves you all dirty when you’re done.”

That earned him a fit of laughter and whistles, and George loved that Jack felt comfortable enough to make a joke like that.

“He definitely is a dirty, horny boy,” Lexi said. “As happy as I am to see him all settled, I’ll admit that I’ll miss the stories of all his sexcapades. They were always entertaining.”

George grinned. “I could always give you a play-by-play of the way Daddy, hmph—”

His words were cut off by a firm hand on his mouth. “That’ll be enough, cupcake. You don’t want me to have to discipline you in front of all your friends, do you?”

Actually… The idea of Daddy spanking his ass in public was much hotter than he would’ve expected.

“Oh my god…” Lexi burst out in laughter. “Wrong thing to threaten him with, Daddy Jack. He’d love that!”

“Daddy Jack?” AJ said, clapping their hands excitedly. “Oh, I fucking love that name. Can we call you that, Jack?”

George looked at Daddy, then shrugged sheepishly. Would Jack be okay with that?

Jack laughed. “Works for me, sugar.” He bent over, scraped George’s ear with his teeth, then whispered, “I like you dirty and horny, just so you know.”

George settled back against Daddy’s chest, deep happiness filling his heart. Who could have known that that robbery would turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to him? He’d found his Daddy…and he was never letting him go again.

* * *
