Page 3 of Dirty Hand

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It took half an hour before both assholes were in the back of one of the squad cars and George and Jack had given their statements. "Get some rest," the cop said to George as he closed his notebook. "I've got your information, and we'll be in touch, okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Sure thing. Are you sure you don't need to be checked out by an EMT?"

George nodded. "I'm fine."

Much to his surprise, Jack stood right next to him as the cops drove off. George staggered a little as he turned to face Jack, the impact of what he’d just experienced hitting him. The adrenaline had worn off, and now it all sunk in. Dammit, that had been a close call. He'd gotten so lucky that Jack had heard him and had come over to check what was going on. If not for that, he might very well have ended up dead.

He should thank him. But when he looked up at Jack, his view was blurry, and even blinking furiously didn't help clear his vision. What the fuck?

Shit, he was crying. Why the hell was he crying?

Jack crossed his arms in front of his chest, peering down at George. "Yeah, you don't seem fine to me. You're coming home with me."

Going home with Mr. Hot Lumberjack? Hell, yes.


Jack was pleased to see the color returning to George’s cheeks quickly once he had him on his couch. Good. It had been the shock and the coming down from his adrenaline high, then, which made sense. He'd gotten robbed and had come close to getting stabbed, so yeah, that took a while to process. He’d been so pale with those tears rolling down his cheeks that Jack hadn’t even thought twice.

Considering George didn't know him, he should never have accepted Jack's offer to take him home. Okay, it had been more of a command than an offer, but that was how he rolled. He'd never been good at saying please and thank you. Kinda came with the job as well, which left little time and room for niceties. He told people what was gonna happen, and they listened. Worked for him.

Unfortunately, with bed partners that didn’t always fly. Oh, he had no trouble finding men to fuck, but he’d never encountered one who would let him fuck and fuss, who allowed him to show his roughandhis gentle side. Yes, he loved to fuck hard and dirty, but he also appreciated cuddles and pampering his partners a little. That combination had proven to be an impossible one. Men wanted one or the other from him, but never both.

He'd made George a cup of coffee, and now the man sat on Jack's couch, looking much better than he’d done mere minutes ago. His short blond hair was still a little tussled, but it only made him sexier, as if someone had pulled it while fucking him. He’d kicked off his shoes and had tucked his legs sideways, managing to sit in a way that was elegant and seductive at the same time.

Not deliberately if Jack had to take a guess. Just the ingrained habit of a guy who was comfortable with his body and knew how to use it to his advantage, especially his ass, which was pushed back and showed off the round curves. Jack didn’t have to work hard to imagine what that ass would look like clenching around his cock. Perfect, absolutely goddamn perfect.

Jack cleared his throat. “How's the coffee?"

George looked up, focusing those baby blues on Jack. Fuck, he was so cute. "Exactly the way I like my men—strong and in large quantities."

Ah, yes. He was definitely feeling better, his feistiness returning. Jack snorted. "Starting to feel more like yourself, I see?"

George shrugged. "You can't scare the gay out of me."

He had balls, Jack had to admit, even more considering his size. George might be quick on his feet, but if Jack wanted to harm him, that was a battle he’d win easily. "Why'd you trust me enough to come home with me?"

George blinked. "You didn't make it sound like a question. More like a…let's call it a strong suggestion."

And he had a sense of humor too. "You still coulda said no."

"I know, but why would I’ve wanted to?"

"Because I'm a total stranger, I'm twice your size, and you have no idea of what I might do to you?"

George waved his hand dismissively. "I'm not scared of you. I might still be somewhat in shock over the whole thing, but my instincts work just fine, thank you very much."

"And your instincts said that you could trust someone who looks like me."

Much to Jack's surprise, George laughed. "Someone who looks like you? You mean a big bear? You wouldn't hurt me, regardless of your size."

"How the hell would you know?"

George calmly took a sip of his coffee, then put the mug down on the table in front of him. He cocked his head as he studied Jack. "Oh, I think you want to hurt me a little, enough to make me spill a few tears for you, but not more than that."

Jack's mouth practically dropped open. What the fuck? "What the hell are you talking about?"
