Page 4 of Dirty Hand

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"Oh, you're not out?"

How on earth had George picked up on something no one else ever had? The only people who ever suspected he was gay were the pretty twinks he picked up in gay bars and clubs. Twinks who looked a hell of a lot like George, come to think of it. Outside of that environment, no one had ever so much as hinted at it. The only one who knew was Rob, his best friend, and that was because Rob himself fucked everything with two legs. “How did you know?"

"That you're not out? Or that you're gay? Or bi, maybe, but I have to admit I'm getting strong gay vibes."

"No one has ever suspected it."

George rolled his eyes. "Then they've never paid attention…or you never met someone like me when others were around. Because I gotta tell you, Jack, and I hate to burst your bubble, but the way you checked me out? The way your eyes lingered on my ass? Very gay. You were imagining yourself doing unmentionable things to me. Admit it."

Jack scratched his beard. How interesting that the boy had spotted what no one else had ever seen. “I’m impressed."

"So you admit it?"

"That I'm gay or that I was imagining myself doing things to you?"

"Either. Both."

"Yes, I'm gay. Technically, I'm bisexual, though I do have a strong preference for men. And yes, I was creating a mental picture of what you would look like with my cock inside you."

Jack wasn't sure if it had been his subconscious attempt to shock George, but the man merely winked at him. "Oh, I’d look damn good. You packing a nice tool there, Jack?"

Jack grew hard in seconds, the way George stared at his groin too arousing to ignore. Damn, he was good at this, good at playing him. "Eight thick inches of pure pleasure. Want to find out?"

George's eyes widened slightly. "Eight real inches? Or eight man inches? Because the latter is about two inches shorter, in my experience."

Jack snorted. "Eight inches and a little bonus. That good enough for you?"

"Well, it's a start. You still have to know how to use it. Do you know how to use it, Jack?"

Fuck, despite everything, Jack hadn't had this much fun in ages. "I've always been exceptionally handy with tools. Pretty sure I've got the instructions on this one down pat."

"Mmm, it doesn't seemdownto me."

"Is that an invitation? Are you going to take care of me?"

George licked his lips, and that gesture shot straight to Jack’s balls. Damn, he was so goddamn pretty. That lithe, tight body, his full, pink lips, the graceful way he moved, so deliciously feminine and sexy. He was, without a doubt, one hundred percent Jack's type. He loved fucking up pretty boys like that. It was a damn shame none of them let him play rough and then cuddle and take care of them.

"Are you going to allow me to?" George asked. His tone had changed, and so had his posture, the way he looked away, not meeting Jack's eyes. He was saying one thing, but what did he really want? And what did he mean by beingallowed to? That was an interesting expression. Like Jack would ever say no to that. Or…

Wait.He’d given Jack a hint as to what he was after. "Just like that? Hell no. You'll have to earn it first."

It was a gamble, based purely on his instincts, but he'd hit the jackpot, judging by the way George's cheeks reddened and his breath hitched. "Earn it?" he said breathlessly.

Oh, he had his number now. Jack grabbed his own junk, rubbing and squeezing firmly while George's eyes were glued to him. "This is top quality, grade-A cock. You’re going to have to prove yourself worthy of it. Show me how much you want it."

Hello, dirty boy.The heated look in George's eyes and the way he physically reacted to that statement gave Jack all the confirmation he needed. George liked to play, and Jack would give him exactly what he craved.

"P-prove myself worthy?" It came out barely more than a whisper.

"I don't let just anyone find pleasure on my cock, cupcake. You'll have to meet certain requirements."

Shit, he was making this up as he went along, going purely by the way George responded.

"What kind of requirements?"

"Well, first of all, you'd have to prove to me that you’d treat it with the proper respect. Worship it the way it deserves."

George swallowed. "I-I can do that."
