Page 43 of Suck It Up

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I settle on, “Nice.” There are no other words for his attentive present. “It’sverynice. But I can't accept a gift from you. You can let me pay you for them."

He shoots me his best wicked grin. "Who's not for sale, now?"

I kick his shin with my rollerblades, lightly, because the heavy accessories might actually do some damage. “I mean, you can tell me how much they are and I'll wire you the money, you dick. I’m not paying with my body.”

"Nope." He makes theppop. “The only thing I am interested in is your body.”

Now,that’smore like him. “Well, it’s not on offer.”

He’s undeterred. “I’ll sell them to you for a kiss. How about that, princess?”

His smile is less calculated than usual—just amused and far too charming.I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile like this, and a good thing too. My panties might have disintegrated on spot if he’d done it before June. As things stand, I’m highly uncomfortable with this light, teasing version of Camden Hunt. He'sflirtingwith me.In another life, it would have meanteverything.If he'd showered me with this kind of attention after dancing with me at Erica's wedding, I would have swooned or done something equally dramatic.Currently, it’s downright disturbing.

“I have a boyfriend,” I remind him.

Not that Trent’s the reason I wouldn’t kiss Camden.

“Yes, a dull one.”

“Who you spied on,” I reminded him, narrowing my eyes. “What did you say to him?”

“All manner of things.” He smirks, letting me stew over his implication.

I feel heat rise to my cheeks, and I narrow my eyes.

“Chill, princess. My father knows his—I went to dinner at his place. Your name didn’t even cross my lips.”

That’s only partially reassuring. He has direct access to Trent, to a part of my life I never wanted him to know about, let alone be allowed to affect.

Camden moves like a spider, setting his web around every part of my life. And I’ve seen what he’s capable of when he wants to control me.

In one night, he changed the entire course of my life, and my family’s. He could do it again.

“Good.” I need to end this conversation. It’s too friendly, when I’m dealing with someone who, for lack of better words, is my enemy. “I’ll pass on the shoes. Anddon'tbuy me anything else.” I start to roll toward the building. Feeling petty, I make a half turn and roll backward."Besides, I bet they're the wrong size."

"What sort of a stalker would I be if I didn't know your size, princess?" he calls back.

Fair point.

They would have been perfect.

Refusing them feels like another victory though.


Tennis has never been my favorite sport, but I can handle a game—particularly against Trent Dawson.

I don’t think there are many games I’d lose against him, even on the day I learn the rules. He doesn’t have the drive it takes to want to defeat an opponent.

I let him score some points. I’m not playing towintoday; at least not at tennis.

Morgan isn’t ruffled by much, but I got under her skin when I mentioned meeting the boy. That tells me I should get to know him, look into their relationship. She doesn’t feel secure in it. Shewantsit, because it’s simple and safe—but she thinks I could get in the middle of it. To dismantle her desire for this insipid nerd, I need to understand the whys.

“I’m surprised you’re in the city again. Don’t you attend that private college in Thorn Falls?” Trent asks as he serves.

Thorn Falls might not be a big city, but most people in our tax bracket have at least heard about it. When the Thorns built their town, they turned it into a considerable financial power, fast, and surrounded themselves with all of the wealthy families in the surrounding states.

Building a campus to rear their heirs made sense. From the very start, Rothford U was as exceptional as it was exclusive. Now, it’s one of the most expensive, exclusive, and famous establishments in the country. Getting into Harvard is a piece of cake compared to scoring admittance to Rothford. At least, without the right surname.

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