Page 11 of Sugar Squared

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She didn’t resist and a moment later, I slid my hand under her hair at the back of her neck and pulled her up to meet my kiss. Desire snaked through me and I wrapped her closer as my mouth touched hers.

I teased her sweet lips, learning her shape, her taste. I wasn’t a kid, but my dick woke up for this woman like he hadn’t in years. Pushing my tongue against the seam of her lips, I cuddled her closer, tilting my head to angle against her better. Rae wasn’t a small woman, with legs for miles and we fit together perfectly.

When she opened her mouth with a delicate little murmur, I swept my tongue inside to explore. Excitement and desire built, stoking a fire in my gut I couldn’t wait to unleash on this surprising woman. She’d meet my fire with her own. She’d already taught me enough to know as much.

Her hands pushed free from between us and then her breasts smashed against me, but between the safety vest and coat I wore, I couldn’t feel the woman like I needed to. Her hands fluttered up to thread into the hair at the back of my head and I’d never been so grateful to have missed the last couple haircuts. I liked that she had something to hold on to back there, loved that she held me as close as I wanted to be.

“Rae,” I whispered at the corner of her mouth, savoring the puff of her little breaths against my cheek. “I want to kiss you all night.”

She made a little sound of agreement, turning her face to find my lips again. Her tongue slid over my lips, teasing and cleverly taunting me to give her more. And I wanted to give her more. More kisses, more touches, more of everything she wanted. Only one hitch.

“Rae,” I whispered again, groaning as I dropped my head to the curve of her neck. Rubbing my nose against her sugar-scented skin, I wished with all my heart I didn’t have to stop what was happening between us. “I gotta be Santa.”

She giggled. My grumpy baker giggled into the side of my head. “Bomber is pretty excited about a picture in that ugly car.”

I jerked upright. “Ugly? That’s a fully restored Model T!”

She laughed again, the sound as breathtaking as anything I’d ever heard. “I don’t care what kind of model it is. That thing has fat bicycle tires!”

I shook my head at her. “Look here, Rae. We’re gonna have to work on your car appreciation. That Ford is one of the finest achievements in American history.”

“Okay, Santa. You better gear up so you can sit in that piece of history without freezing to death.”

I gave her a slow wink that brought enough pink to her cheeks, I could see the color even in the shadowy interior of the caboose. With exaggerated movements, I unzipped my coat, sliding it off along with the orange vest. “I’ve got ideas about staying warm, Sunshine.”

A flirty smile danced along her supple pink lips. “I can see that you do.” She nodded to the door we’d come in a few minutes ago. “But you have folks waiting on you, and I have a bakery to run.”

Tossing my coat on the bench, I dug my phone out of my back pants pocket and passed it to her. “Put your info in, darlin’. I’m going to let you know when I’m wrapping things up and come find you when you close up shop.”

Chapter Five


Wegarneredmorethana little attention as Kyle walked me back to the bakery. Was it the idea of Santa holding hands with someone not dressed as Mrs. Claus? Or was it the sight of the ever charming Kyle “Hoss” Hossman walking hand-in-hand with the town troublemaker?

But with his big hand wrapped around mine, I couldn’t be fussed too much. My lips still burned from his kisses and the excitement pooling in my belly nearly took my breath away. I wasn’t sure what I’d gotten myself into with this guy, but I couldn’t dodge the eagerness to figure him out.

He’d caught and held my attention since the moment I laid eyes on his wide shoulders and the challenge in his electric blue eyes, and nothing in the time since had eased my interest.

He eased us to a stop in front of the bakery. Looking through the glass window and past the decorations, I caught sight of Camille and Ava leaning on the counter, their eyes fixed on me with unmasked interest. I turned until my back was to them, but I swear their combined gazes burned a hole right between my shoulder blades. “We have an audience.”

He glanced over my shoulder at my employees and customers, then nodded his head to the row of cars parked behind him and beyond. “More than we even know, I’m sure.”

Holiday music blared from the temporary stage and three women dressed like punk rock elves skated between the parked cars and people, while kids shouted and darted between the adults. If everything ended right then, Hoss would have still pulled off an impressive event. I smirked down at the black car staged at the end of the square. “Your throne awaits.”

He dipped down, catching my lips in a quick, hard kiss that still managed to rob me of my breath for all its briefness. He straightened with a cocky smirk of his own. “I like that. Calling me a king already, are you now? Bodes well.”

I shook my head. “Dream on, Santa.”

Laughing in that deep chuckle that stirred my blood, Kyle turned and strolled with his rolling, easy gait to the end of the street to assume his position in the car. He gave a cocky wave when he caught me lingering outside to watch him.

Just as I moved to turn on my heel and retreat into the shop, J.T. Pendleton stepped up from between Mr. Hillbanger’s Chevy and another old car I had no hope of identifying. His expression was dark, his cheeks mottled with ruddy color.

Mr. Hillbanger stepped up onto the sidewalk behind him. “Not sure where you get off telling anyone where they need to be, but I’ve been in this space for the last two years goin’ and I’m not about to move my Bel Air just because your flippin’ highness has decided I have the best spot on the square.”

Old Mr. Hillbanger’s cheeks were as flushed as J.T.'s but I was more worried about the hand tautly fisted at his side.

I darted a quick look down to where Kyle sat in his Santa suit, but a line of kids at least a dozen deep already stretched along the red carpet leading up to that black relic. A quick glance inside at the only other peacemaker I knew revealed Camille busy serving customers at the counter.
