Page 14 of Sugar Squared

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I covered her mouth with my own, shoving one hand into the hair at the back of her head and the other landing on her lower back to haul her as close as humanly possible. Her bulky jacket shielded her curves and I groaned a protest against her lips. Dragging my mouth along her jaw, I growled into the curve of her neck. “Raelynn, you’re killing me here.”

Shemmhmmedagainst the side of my head, her hands dipping between us to shimmy up under my shirt. Still cold from her walk over here, I gasped as her slender fingers first landed on my stomach. But she pressed, flattening her palms, spreading her fingers and exploring. “Hoss, I don’t think that’s true. ‘Cause you seem really, really okay.”

I barked out a laugh, lifting my head and putting some space between us. “Okay,” I said with a mock snarl. “You think I’mokay?”

I went to work on her jacket, getting her unzipped in a flash and tugging the fluffy thing off her sweet shape in nothing flat while she laughed. Even in the dark, she shone with a happiness that triggered a spreading warmth in my chest. Grabbing the back of my shirt, I whipped it over my head, savoring her eyes on me. I worked every year with some of the top athletes in the world. I had to keep up, which meant plenty of time with the weights. Her murmur of appreciation made every minute of every workout worth it. “We’re gonna play, my girl. Say you wanna play.”

She tugged her sweater off, tossing it atop the Santa suit and came toward me with a smile parting her supple lips and setting my pulse to hammering. “We are definitely gonna play, Santa.”

She came toward me with an extra swagger, her lush hips swinging, her breasts full and high in a dark bra, the color of which I couldn’t quite discern in the darkness of our little love chamber. The irony of our location didn’t escape me. I’d sent more than one volunteer to check this caboose throughout the night since discovering the faulty lock on the door. I was certain that a couple of teenagers with overactive hormones would discover the availability of the secret chamber in the middle of the Christmas festivities and put it to illicit use.

Instead, here I stood with my sweet sunshine.

The instant she came close enough, I wrapped my hand around her wrist and tugged until she fell against me. Her skin against mine burned, setting off a spark that sizzled through my bloodstream. The attraction between us flared to life and like every new bit I learned about her, it fit. As she contoured her body to mine, we fit.

Swiping up my discarded shirt, I maneuvered Rae to the square table folded down from the wall of the caboose. Small, square windows bookended the table, festive lights from outside streaming down to gleam along the metal floor. In the distance, I could hear the lingering people from the cruise-in, but they were too distant to matter. Right now, right here, only Rae mattered, and I needed to learn her every curve, every dip and swell, every inch of her delectable body.

Tossing my shirt on the table, I backed her up to the edge. Leaning down to take another kiss, I unfastened the buttons of her jeans, shoving them down. She hummed into my mouth, wiggling her hips to help get her snug jeans down, and then I lost her mouth as I yanked them down until she could kick free.

In the next instant, I returned to her lips. She was the sun and I a helpless beast in her orbit, her pull on me as natural as breathing. “God damn, Rae, but I’m gonna devour you.”

Her fingers framed my face, catching my gaze with her own, and my breath caught. Her velvety eyes met mine with welcome, with fascination, with a hundred promises swirling in their pretty depths, but the one that stood out the most was the trust. As clear as if she spoke the words, I felt the trust she was giving me and accepted the responsibility like the treasure it was.

I leaned close again. Skimmed my lips over her cheek, along the feathery hairline near her ear. There, I nuzzled against her, her skin a soft temptation I couldn’t resist. “I got you, girl. I’m gonna take such good care of you.”

Flattening my hands over her back, I twisted her bra undone, before coasting down to her waist, to the flair of her hips where I tugged her lacy underwear down to join her discarded jeans. “Holy fuck, Rae, how’d you get so soft?”

My hands tingled where I touched her. My dick throbbed against my zip, but no way could I take him out yet. Just touching her was almost more stimulation than I could stand. I felt like the horny teenagers I’d worried about. As out of control of my reactions as an inexperienced boy.

I dragged my lips down, nuzzling against her neck, inhaling her sugar sweet scent. I wanted to breathe her in, take her as deep as I could until all I could see, all I could smell, all I could feel was Rae.

Lifting her to the table, I wedged between her sumptuous thighs and sank to my knees. A quick tug pulled her loose bra off and her heavy breasts swung just above my face. She leaned toward me, one of her hands lacing into my hair. “Kiss me, Kyle.”

When she cupped her breast, offering her sweet nipple, my cock jerked, my mouth watered. I palmed her ass, tugging her closer to the edge of the table, spreading her wide as her legs parted to accommodate my shoulders. I latched onto her breast, sucking her into my mouth, pulling hard before rubbing my tongue over the tight little bud.

My hands wandered, ranging over her body with increasing urgency. Over her hips, her thighs, her breasts, claiming every inch of her. I traded one breast for the other as my hands roamed down her legs, the backs of her knees, up again. She trembled under my touch, her little sounds of pleasure whispering against my ears, urging me to discover more of what she liked.

I kissed a trail down her soft belly, flicked my tongue into the secret dip of her belly button, further down until the scent of her sweet arousal filled my head. Intoxicating, seductive, beautiful. “So soft, Rae. You feel so good. You want my mouth on you? Want me to eat you up like one of your sweet treats? Tell me you do. I know you do.”

She leaned back on one arm, but her other still feathered through my hair, over the side of my face, my neck, wherever she could reach, her touch and words sending a shudder down my spine. “I do, Kyle. I want your mouth on me.”

Satisfaction spun through me, chased with a determination to return to her all the pleasure she gave me. I nuzzled against her curls, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her desire, and let my breath warm her slick, wet flesh.

“You’re so wet, Sunshine. I love how wet you are for me. Makes me even hungrier for you. Fuck, I’m gonna feast on your pretty pussy. Yes, I am.” Urgency rode me and I needed to taste her. Needed to feel her quiver under my tongue. I spread her lips with my thumbs and dove in, drawing my tongue along her cleft up to her precious little nub, and she tasted as divine as manna from the gods. I licked her flesh, pressing into her before drawing up to suck on her clit. She trembled under my attention, her legs quivering, her breath thready and fast above me. Pride filled me. I would give her all the pleasure, all the satisfaction she’d ever need.

I wanted to tell her how much she pleased me, how much I relished the taste of her in my mouth, how I wanted to gorge myself on her until the end of time, but I couldn’t pull my mouth away long enough to form more words. I’d never been too enthusiastic about giving oral, but pleasing Rae became my personal mission and I couldn’t be happier.

Her pleasure sounds filled the caboose, her fingers tightening in my hair. I eased two fingers into her, slow, easy, her body slick with wanting me. I flicked my eyes up toward her face, took in her eyes clenched closed, her lips rolled in as she sucked them. I’d have those lips wrapped around my dick one of these days, but not tonight. I’d never survive it.

My fingers glided through her warm sheath, found that sweet spot, and I smoothed my fingers over it, soft and slow, as my lips latched onto her clit and sucked. Her thighs clenched my shoulders, squeezing, quaking with her response, and if I couldn’t tell by the way she coated my lips and fingers, that clench would tell me how good I was making her feel.

“Kyle,” she said in a raspy whisper before her voice fell into a needy mewl as she drew my name out. Fuck, I liked the sound of my name on her lips. “God, yes, just like that, Kyle.”

And then her back arched and her keening sounds turned into one long, savagely pleasing moan. She tossed her head, her gorgeous hair whipping around with the force of her motions. I hooked my hand to her hip to keep her near and pulled gently at her clit as her pussy clamped around my fingers. In a minute she’d be clamping around my dick, but until then I eased my touch, softened the glide of my fingers as she eased down from her first climax.

“Kyle, kiss me.”

Whisper soft, her words fell between us. A siren call I eagerly answered. I lunged to my feet, framing her face in my hands and taking her lips in a kiss full of want and need and desperation and emotion I wasn’t ready to label, but that felt good and right and perfect. She must have tasted herself on my lips, but she answered my kiss with a greedy passion to match my own.
