Page 13 of Unbroken Magic

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“Show me, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call me that. We fixed it. Aubrey gave us pixie dust.”

He examined my face, as if attempting to determine whether I was lying. Finally, he nodded and let me go. I refused to acknowledge how much my body craved the feel of his hands on me.

“We need to talk.”

“We don’t have time for a powwow, Alpha.”

“Keep pushing me, Evie. See what happens.”

If I could’ve used my power, I would’ve given him a display he never would’ve forgotten. Instead, I had to settle for giving him my best death glare.

A solitary curl chose that moment to escape my messy bun and bounce off my cheek. Nathaniel’s lips twitched.

I would not dignify his amusement with a response. I stuck my nose in the air and turned away.


“I don’t need your commentary right now. If you’re going to hang around, why don’t you put your muscles to good use and move those rocks?” I waved a hand toward the boulders blocking the door.

A muscle jumped in Nathaniel’s jaw, but he seemed to realize I wasn’t ready to talk about how badly he’d hurt me. What he didn’t realize was that I wasn’t ever going to be ready. He stalked past Kyla, who gave him a dark look of her own.

“What did you expect?” she muttered.

He ignored that, which was a good choice on his part. I definitely did not pay any attention to the way his T-shirt stretched over his back muscles as he leaned down to grab the boulder. My mouth also did not go dry as I surveyed his biceps when he lifted said boulder and carried it out of the way as if it were a feather pillow.

Kyla gave me a knowing look, and I narrowed my eyes at her. With a grin, she stepped away to help Nathaniel.

I knew my limits. If I’d had access to my power, I could’ve helped. Instead, I pulled out the map, studying it while they cleared the way.

“Done,” Nathaniel said a few minutes later. His T-shirt was damp with sweat, and it clung to his spectacular chest.


“We need to decide our next move,” I said, returning my attention to the map. “There are three spots the sword is most likely to be. The safe, which seems too obvious to me.” I frowned. “Unless that’s exactly what Taraghlanwantspeople to think…”

“Where else?” Nathaniel asked.

I hated that I had to work with him right now. All I wanted was to be alone so I could lick my wounds in private.


Why did his voice have to be so gentle?

I swallowed. “Half of this place is a dungeon. Taraghlan is keeping his enemies here. There’s a possibility he’s hidden the sword in that part of the castle. The other option is the armory. Maybe Taraghlan is hiding the sword with his other weapons.”

Kyla leaned over my shoulder and studied the map. “We need to split up.”


“Absolutely not.”

For the first time since Nathaniel had torn out my heart, we were on the same page.

“Think about it, you guys. The three best options for the sword are in different directions. We need to get gone before Taraghlan figures out we’re here. We don’t have time to be precious.”

She had a point.
