Page 14 of Unbroken Magic

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“I’m heading for the safe,” Kyla said. “You go to the dungeon, and Nathaniel can—”

“I’m not leaving Evie.”

Kyla’s eyes met Nathaniel’s, and her gaze dropped. I curled my lip at him. “We don’t have time for this.”

Nathaniel merely looked at me. “If you’d allowed me to talk to you when you learned I was your mate, I would have explained just how much control my wolf takes when it thinks you’re in danger.”

I most definitely didn’t want to hear about that.

“Fine. Kyla, you head for the safe. We’ll head for the dungeon. If neither of us finds the sword, we’ll all circle around to the armory and meet there.”

Kyla pulled out her own map so she could memorize her route. She’d head left after this door when the corridor split. Nathaniel and I would head right. If none of us found the sword, we’d meet at the armory, which was north of where we were standing.

Kyla studied the map while I dug into the backpack and pulled out the two pieces of lapis lazuli I’d brought, fixing a spell to them.

“If you find the sword, throw this into the air,” I told Kyla. “It will alert us, and we’ll make our way to you. If you see it light up, it means we’ve found the sword. Follow it until it leads you to us. It’ll darken if you’re going in the wrong direction.”

She nodded and took the stone. I still wasn’t happy about us splitting up, and from the frown on his face, neither was Nathaniel. But even he could see the wisdom of getting this done and getting the hell out of here.

“Be careful,” I told her.

“You too.” She flicked her gaze to Nathaniel, and I shook my head. No, I wouldn’t be letting him back beneath my defenses.

We all tensed as I opened the door. When nothing jumped out at us, Kyla prowled to the left. I moved to the right. Nathaniel fell into step beside me, and I ignored him. Being left alone with him was going to be hell.

When I’d kissed him, when I’d slept beside him, when I’d let my guard down around him…I’d thought I’d seen beneath the Alpha wolf. Thought I’d seen the man beneath.

The worst part? My traitorous body refused to get with the program. It held an awareness of what it felt like when he took my mouth as if it were made for him. It knew exactly how good it felt when he wrapped me in his arms and stroked my hair.

“Talk to me, Evie.”


Another door waited at the end of this corridor. According to the map, there were three chambers we would need to get through in order to get to the dungeons—each separated by a corridor. I stalked toward the door, wishing more than anything that we could just get this whole thing over with.

“Why not?” Nathaniel growled.

“Because I trusted you. And you took that trust and smeared shit all over it.”

The bastard sighed.Sighed.As ifIwas being unreasonable.

“I was right. You would’ve run.”

“You don’t know that. And by encouraging everyone to lie to me, you took away the chance for me to make my own decision.”

He reached out to catch my arm, but I was already pushing through the door.

I froze, my instincts on high alert.

The chamber was empty. But I didn’t buy it for a second. Next to me, Nathaniel went still, lifting his face to sniff at the air.



A silver door beckoned from the other side of the chamber. I scanned the chamber again, my instincts telling me something was off. “I think we should haul ass.”

“Agreed,” Nathaniel said.
