Page 16 of Unbroken Magic

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And a bolt impaled his chest.



Iscreamed. A deep, guttural sound that came from a part of me I hadn’t wanted to accept.

“No, no, no, no.”

I flattened myself as another bolt whistled past. Nathaniel’s expression was blank—a clear sign the Alpha was in immense pain.

He still managed to glower at me. “Go.”

“Not without you, jackass.”

I raised my hand, ready to lay waste to the bolts. Nathaniel shook his head. “No. We’re almost there.”

Getting to my feet, I darted to the left as another bolt disturbed the air between us.

Blood poured from Nathaniel’s chest. I had no idea how he was still walking, but he put himself back between me and the bolts.

I choked out a sob.

“It’s going to be okay,” he soothed me.

I scowled in his direction. He had a bolt sticking out of his chest, and he was attempting to makemefeel better?

We had to get out of here. Nathaniel wasn’t playing—he wouldn’t let me get hurt. He’d continue to put himself between those bolts and me until he was dead.

Without warning, I shot toward the door. I hadn’t done any calculations, but I had reasonably good instincts. I paused, lunged forward, took a step backward, and zigzagged. Nathaniel followed me, a rough growl leaving his throat.

I hit the door and pushed it open, reaching for Nathaniel. He made it into the corridor and dropped to his knees.

“Need to remove it,” he said.

“Okay. Don’t worry, we still have some pixie dust.”

“No. For you.”

Ignoring that, I examined the bolt. “The end is fucking barbed. Oh God, I’m going to have to pull it all the way through.”

My hands were fluttering in front of his chest. He caught them both in his, waiting until I met his gaze.

“I’ll break off the front. You pull it from the back. I can’t reach.”

My throat was so thick I couldn’t swallow, but I managed a nod. Nathaniel drew in a deep breath, grabbed the front of the bolt, and snapped the metal in two.

Werewolf strength.

The groan that left his throat made the tears I’d been suppressing flood down my cheeks. I moved around to his back and studied what was left of the steel pole.

“You can do this,” Nathaniel said softly.

I knew I could do it, but I was unprepared to hurt him this badly. It had to be done so he could heal, but the thought of causing him this much pain made me want to vomit.

“Brace yourself against the wall,” I said, and my voice sounded like it was far away.

Nathaniel raised his hands, pressing them against the wall.
