Page 15 of Unbroken Magic

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Look at us, working together like professionals.

I sucked in a breath and shot toward the door.


Something whistled past my head. I dropped to a crouch and whipped my head to the right. A three-foot-long crossbow bolt was buried in the wall.

I flattened my body as the next bolt almost struck me in the head. And then Nathaniel was there, pulling me to my feet.

The wall on our left had slid open, revealing hundreds of steel bolts, all poised to shoot.

“They fire with movement,” Nathaniel ground out, keeping his body between mine and the metal bolts.

“I’ll use a ward.”

“You know we can’t risk it. You’re too powerful.” Pride flickered in his eyes when he said it, and I tried to ignore the warmth that slid through my chest.

Surveying the bolts, I slowly sucked in a breath. “We’ll have to zigzag.”

“There are too many of them.” Nathaniel’s eyes were filled with steady resolve. “We go together. You stay to my right.”

He wanted me to use him as a human shield.


The magic responsible for the bolts obviously decided we’d been in our spot for too long. Another bolt shot at us, breathtakingly fast.

I ducked. Nathaniel waited until it was within a foot of him and stepped neatly to the side. I had a feeling he was doing some complicated calculation regarding speed and velocity in his head.

“Listen to me, Evie,” he said. “I need you to do what I say.”

“Not if it means you get skewered!”

“We don’t have a healer here. You get hit, and you’re dead.”

Panic made my voice sharp. “You’re not disposable.”

He gave me a grin. “Werewolf, sweetheart. I’ll heal. You won’t.”

“I’ll use my fucking power.”

“We can’t risk it.”

Another bolt flew past, close enough that I could feel the wind of it on my face as Nathaniel nudged me out of the way.

“We can’t stay here,” he said. “We go on three.”

His eyes were all wolf. There was no point arguing with him. All I could do was move my ass and hope the reflexes Edward had sharpened would keep us both alive.

I was so angry with him, but the thought of him dying here, in this fucking castle…

“It will be okay,” he assured me, reaching for my hand. He squeezed. “One, two, three.”

We launched forward. Bolts immediately whistled toward us. Nathaniel’s wolf reflexes were a hundred times better than mine, and I let him push me to and fro, slamming me to the floor when a bolt came too close.

We were within three feet of the door when the bolts came even faster. There was no real way to avoid them.

Nathaniel shoved me away from him, pushing me toward the door.
