Page 33 of Unbroken Magic

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“I’m pretty sure it can regrow those heads.”

Nathaniel took that information like he took everything else—in his stride. “In that case, we’ll need fire. We cauterize the necks, and they can’t grow back.”

“I can do that, but there’s a chance we’ll attract another nasty creature or the castle will spring some other trap in response to my magic.”

Exhaustion barreled through me at the thought. I wanted out of this fucking place.

Nathaniel wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we all surveyed the hydra. It was staying put, clearly only willing to attack us if we attempted to get past it.

“There’s no other way to the armory?”

Kyla shrugged. “I think the map is out of date. There’s a reason I stumbled across you guys.”

I wasn’t going to risk backtracking and dealing with those fucking bolts.

“We try without magic first,” Nathaniel said. “If the heads grow back, Evie can burn them. We’ll deal with whatever comes next. Together.”

That calm certainty radiating from him was just one of the reasons why he was such a good Alpha.

“Okay,” I said, my A-F in my hand. “Let’s do this.”

Kyla and Nathaniel immediately began stripping off their clothes. A few moments later, they were in their wolf forms. We spread out, approaching the hydra from three sides.

“Now,” Nathaniel ordered, and we lunged forward as one.

I aimed for the head that was the farthest on the right, hoping it would be difficult for the other two heads to get to me.

Slash, slash, slash.


I had okay reflexes, but the hydra heads were fucking fast. Each time I sliced at it, it reared back then struck at me with a hiss.


I ducked as the head whistled past my own head.

“Eyes on your own page,” I called to Nathaniel. He’d transformed long enough to scream at me, and now he was in a strange half form I’d never seen before, with his claws out, slashing at the hydra.

This wasn’t working. They were too fucking fast.

The wolves were having more luck than I was. They were fast, too. Kyla latched on to the closest head and tore out its throat. The other heads screamed as one, and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. And then she was slicing through the head with her claws.

We all ducked back long enough to watch.

The head regrew.

I sighed.

A bump was appearing right where the hydra’s other necks met its body. Within a few moments, an extra head was hissing at us.

“And then there were ten,” Nathaniel said, his expression grim.

We definitely needed my magic.

Nathaniel lunged at the hydra, dodging between two snapping heads. He buried his clawed hand into the neck of the head on his right, swinging himself up. I gaped at him. He was sitting on the hydra’s back, nimbly dodging its attempts to remove him.

“I cut, you burn,” he called.
