Page 34 of Unbroken Magic

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Kyla began running in circles on the left, snapping out at the heads and distracting them. Nathaniel’s claws were wicked fast, and I called my magic to me. He sliced through the head below him, and I reached for my fire, aiming it directly at the neck.

The hydra screeched louder this time. I held my breath, but the head didn’t regrow. The second head was attempting to push through the hydra’s scales, but I immediately cauterized it before it could fully form.

We were down to eight.

Now that we knew what we were doing, the other heads were much easier to manage. The hydra attempted to shake Nathaniel off again and again, but he dug in, stabbing his claws into it with brutal efficiency. Those claws were viciously sharp, and he somehow managed to take out two heads in the span of a couple of seconds.

My head spun a little as I burned the remains.


Kyla had taken out another one. I immediately aimed my flames at the empty spot on its neck.

Five to go.

Nathaniel took out another one. We were falling into an easy rhythm now.


A howl cut through the hydra’s screams. I finished burning the closest head and glanced toward Kyla.


I was running before I knew I’d moved.

The hydra’s head had clamped around her leg, teeth cutting deep. It was dragging her closer to two other heads, which were waiting to rip her apart.

Nathaniel’s roar gave me goose bumps. The head that had taken Kyla down was busy dragging her, and I sliced through its neck, immediately burning what was left.

I didn’t have time to burn the second head as it formed. I was too busy dragging Kyla’s wolf form from the fight. She snapped her teeth at me, and I glowered down at her.

The hydra’s teeth were still stuck in her leg, the head adding to Kyla’s weight as I pulled her.

“Leave it,” I snapped. “The moment we remove the teeth, you’ll pour blood.”

Kyla snarled, and I went still.

She was all wolf.

I lowered my gaze, but I didn’t have time for dominance games with pissy werewolves.

“You want to live? Leave it alone.” Hopefully that would get through to her wolf.

Nathaniel was growling behind me, and panic punched me in the gut.

Turning, I sprinted toward him. He’d been doing what he could to damage the remaining heads without risking another regrowing. The moment he spotted me hauling ass toward him, another head dropped to the floor.


My power poured from me, and I fought to keep the flames aimed solely at the hydra’s neck. The flames felt almost alive, and I ruthlessly suppressed the urge to engulf the entire creature in my magic.

Nathaniel was still riding the hydra, currently clawing through the next head.

It screamed, a high, enraged sound as that head fell to the floor. I reached for the embers of my power.


I hadn’t used enough of this power to know how to wield it in a way that wouldn’t burn me out. Nathaniel’s eyes met mine, and I had a pretty good feeling he knew just how little I had left.
