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I nodded. Out of the four of us, I was the one most in tune with magic. While the others struggled in the beginning, I absorbed the knowledge and power like a sponge to the point where I could sense a copious amount of magic from afar. Deimos believed that I may have had an ancestor who was a witch back when I was alive and human. I don't remember much about my human life, not since being reborn as a hellhound. I often wondered what kind of man I was. If I ended up here in Hell then I must've been malevolent, or a criminal. Only the most sinful, merciless, and despicable souls that have plagued the human world ended up here after death. Part of me was grateful not to be able to remember. I was sure I wouldn't have liked who I was then.

"She's powerful. More powerful than I believe Lord Deimos anticipated. Maybe that's why the H.I.M. wanted her dead." That was only a hunch, but it was highly probable. I had no doubt they suspected Antonia's capabilities should Lord Deimos train her, and they feared what she would become. Why else would one of their own choose to marry her in order to keep her close? I suspect they knew more about her than we did. My only question now was what would happen now that she was still alive and in our possession? Would they believe she died in that fire, or did they suspect we rescued her? And if they did, would they come for her?

Finally, a loud rumble sounded as the double doors slowly opened to us. Immediately, we stood shoulder to shoulder, awaiting our next orders. When it opened all the way, the first sight that greeted us was Lord Deimos and a frazzled Antonia who was slightly hunched over and her hands planted firmly against her chest, standing beside him.

"Ms. Antonia DeLuna has agreed to begin her training. She will start tomorrow. And Helios, I expect you to be the one to aid her."

Bringing my right hand up to rest against my left pec where I knew my heart would be if it were still beating, I bowed in acknowledgment. "Yes, my lord."

"I shouldn't have to tell you all the importance of her presence here. She must not be allowed to leave the castle, nor should she be exposed to danger. That is why I'm assigning you four to be her bodyguards. Should any harm befall her, your souls will face true hell when I'm done with you. Is that understood?"

My brothers bowed in the same manner as I had before we said in unison, "Yes, my lord."

"Excellent," Deimos said in satisfaction.

He shoved Antonia forward and out of his chambers. I stood up and managed to catch her before she fell on her face, my arms instinctively going around her face. Antonia didn't seem to mind considering her hands gripped my shoulders and her face was buried in the crook of my neck. Her body shook as her sobs muffled against my heated skin. My beast side rumbled, enjoying the feel of her nearness. The way she seemed to cling to me for dear life as if I were her saving grace. Unfortunately, I was no angel.

"Helios." I looked up to Deimos calling my name. "Make sure she is escorted to her new bedroom, then assign border patrols outside her dorm. She is not to go anywhere without one of you with her at all times, is that understood?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Wait." Antonia backed away from my hold to turn around and face Deimos with a perplexed look on her face. "A room? You mean you're not going to lock me back in that cellar?"

Deimos had a wicked glint in his glowing red eyes. "Would you prefer to be living as a guest or a prisoner? If you wish to be in the cell, that can be arranged."

She quickly shook her head.

"Good. Then I suggest you rest up now and prepare for a long and tedious lesson plan. If you want your freedom back, that is."

Her freedom, huh? Deimos must've promised that Antonia would be set free if she completed her magic lessons. Well, she was still alive, so it'd make sense for her to want to return to the human world. But something told me Deimos had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain, not when he was risking everything to have her here in the first place.

With no other exchanges, the door closed itself, leaving Deimos to dwell alone in silence and the rest of us to visibly relax.

"I can't believe we're stuck on babysitting duty," Xaphan burst out the second Deimos was out of earshot.

Antonia frowned at him. "Hey, I didn't ask to be here, okay? You guys are the ones who brought me here, so suck it up, blondie."

Abaddon snorted. "Trust me, little witch, sucking it up is something he does best."

Xaphan's whole face turned beet red as he snarled at Abaddon. "What was that, you little shit?"

"Enough!" I barked out, causing them both to freeze in submission. "We have more important things to worry about than your petty squabbles, got it? We have a job to do."

The two of them still had daggers pointing at each other, but otherwise kept their mouths shut. With as much as they bicker, I was surprised they hadn't fucked each other yet. If it happened, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe that was why Abaddon loved yanking on Xaphan's chains. They were going to either kill each other or fuck each other's brains out. Turning to a still frightened Antonia, I reached out and lightly grabbed her upper arm to get her attention.

When her dark eyes fell on me, I spoke in a softer tone. "Abaddon will take you to your chambers. Don't worry, he's an idiot but he won't harm you."

"Yeah!" Abaddon chirped happily. "You're safe with me, sweetheart. I'll be a real gentleman."

Xaphan scoffed but otherwise kept his mouth shut, which was a surprise.

Antonia seemed tentative about going anywhere, but she forced herself to walk over to Abaddon. Her arms were crossed over her front in a pitiful attempt to guard herself. She was scared and overwhelmed by everything, as expected. A part of me wished to ease her worries, but I had a feeling nothing I say would provide her comfort. Not entirely. I could only hope that she'd eventually adjust to her surroundings.

We had our tasks, so while Abaddon led Antonia off in one direction, I was prepared to walk another with Apollyon.

I thought Xaphan would join us, but he started walking back from where we came, muttering, "I'm out of here."

"Where are you going?" I called out to him.
