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He kept walking as he shouted back, "To train! Is that all right, oh fearless leader?"

I gritted my teeth resisting the urge to charge after him and teach him some manners, but Apollyon's grip on my shoulder stopped me.

"Leave him alone. It's not worth it."

I knew he was right, but I wouldn't tolerate his attitude forever. "Why did Lord Deimos appoint him as a member of my legion? It makes no sense."

"It doesn't need to. Assigning Xaphan under your care wasn't a choice neither you nor he wanted, but it was a firm decision by Deimos. You know his word is final around here," Apollyon said.

I already knew that, but it still never made any sense. What's worse, Deimos never gave me a reason for the decision. When our prince made a decision, it was best not to question it. Even if you desperately wanted to. What did he even see in a hot-headed pup like Xaphan?

"Hey." Apollyon nudged me with his elbow. "Try not to overthink about it. We have enough shit to worry about."

"I know." I frowned. "Now we have a witch to tend to. She's going to need food and clothes."

I paused knowing who I'd need to ask for in order to get that done and wasn't sure if bringing her up would affect Apollyon in any way. My second in command here was usually the one who didn't let trivial things phase him. He excelled at any task I gave him, and unlike Abaddon, he wasn't the type of hellhound to easily get distracted by anything, whether it be girls or activities. But there was a sore subject that I always felt the need to tread cautiously about.

Apollyon gave me a knowing look. "I'll talk to Solara about paying Antonia a visit and giving her supplies."

"Are you sure?" I questioned. "I can do it, you know."

"And so can I," Apollyon retorted. "Look, what happened between me and Solara is no big deal. We ended things mutually and have grown to appreciate each other without the need to be together. I may regret that I was never able to give her the love and attention she deserved in a partner, but at least I was able to develop enough of a connection that I'm protective of her, and care for her."

I could tell he meant what he said. As his leader, it was my job to make sure that my pack mates were looked after. Some needed my guidance more than others, I wasn't going to mention any names, but Apollyon should've been the least of my worries. But it was sometimes hard to tell if anything was truly bothering him or not. How he acts or what he does was all dependent on what he's feeling, so there was always the risk of something he's mentally going through that could be a hindrance to him.

But in this case, he seemed genuine that he and Solara were fine, so I was going to leave it alone. "All right then. I'll let you handle it while I assign scouts to keep an eye out for intruders."

I gave his arm a quick squeeze before I left him to his own devices, but I stopped when I heard Apollyon call out my name.

"The girl, Antonia. You feel a pull coming from her, don't you?"

I turned back to face him, eyeing him skeptically. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I was just wondering if you feel something towards her."

I did feel something from the moment I laid my eyes on her, but I wasn't sure what it was exactly. All I knew was that she was going to be my responsibility, and I was right. It was my job to make sure she was protected, and to help her reach her full potential with magic. Did that mean there was some kind of bond between us? Was that why I could sense her magic so easily? I hadn't considered it.

"I feel something, but I'm not sure what it is yet," I admitted. "Why? Are you saying you feel a connection to her?"

"I think so," he said. "It's a strange feeling. I'm not sure what it means, and I thought it was only me who felt it. But if you also do, maybe the others feel it too?"

"I'm sure Abaddon feels something for her, but I'm not sure it's a bond," I deadpanned. "As for Xaphan, it stands to reason that he doesn't like that she’ll be getting Deimos' attention."

"Maybe, but if they do sense something between her and themselves, this isn't something we should ignore. It may prove valuable, both to her, to Deimos, and to ourselves."

A part of me believed Apollyon was overthinking this, but another part of me was wondering if he was on to something. The universe worked in mysterious ways, and when it came to magic—a force of nature and spirituality—there was no telling what may come of it.

Antonia DeLuna, do you have the makings to change our lives as much as we were starting to change yours?

I wonder if we would find out.



Once the door was shut and I was alone in my new room, I allowed myself a few minutes to hyperventilate and have a mini panic attack. I was fucked, mentally and emotionally. And what's worse, I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. I was on my own while trying to make sense of everything that had transpired.

I was a witch, I was in Hell, and now I was being forced to learn magic for whatever reason.
