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Once again, my life was dictated by someone else. Only instead of my asshole husband, it was now in the hands of a fucking devil.

Sitting on the side of the bed, I buried my face into the palm of my hands, taking a few moments to take deep, even breaths. I was okay. I was safe, at least for now. That all could change in the blink of an eye. I got up and walked over to the glass sliding doors, taking in the view of the crimson sky overhead. I never thought about what Hell would look like as a child. I always believed Heaven and Hell were as much a fairytale as Narnia or Pandora. So much for that theory.

Opening the sliding door, I stepped out onto the balcony, seeing nothing but obsidian trees for miles. Beyond that looked like a desert wasteland. Below me was what looked to be a courtyard with dozens of this little green monster things I saw in the hallway. Judging from how high up I was, I assumed the odds of me surviving if I jumped off was nonexistent. Maybe If I built a rope with the bedsheets like I'd seen on TV? I shook my head at that ridiculous thought. One, I doubted I had enough sheets to make it long enough, and two, stuff like that never worked on TV so how would it work in my case? Nope, I was stuck here.

Well, everyone in Salem believed I'd end up in Hell anyways, so it looks like I was where I was always supposed to be. How fortunate of me.

"Fuck my life." I sighed heavily. Oh well, no use dreading over what I couldn't control. Even if I could escape, where could I go? For that matter, where would I go if I made it back to Earth? I was sure Bal and his lackeys pronounced me dead, and even if I showed back up and announced what they tried to do to me, it would be my word against his. And Bal had many rich and powerful people in his back pocket while I had nobody. I literally had nobody in my corner, whether on Earth or here in Hell. Maybe death was the better option. At least then I wouldn't have to suffer through magic lessons. Besides, nobody would care if I was gone. Nobody would miss me.

But if I died, wouldn't I end up back here anyways?

I groaned. Shit, even in death I was trapped.

Throwing my hands up in surrender, I forced myself back into my room and slid the doors shut before hauling my ass to the bathroom. If I was going to spend the rest of my days locked up in this castle, I sure as hell didn't want to do it looking like I rolled around in soot. One thing I didn't expect from Hell was having electricity and indoor plumping. I flicked on the light switch beside the door and let the bathroom be illuminated in light. I looked to the ceiling to see a black crystal chandelier. It was candelabra based with dark crystals dangling and fluorescent lights flashing on each candle stick. At least Deimos had taste. Everything about my room screamed gothic Victorian chic, and as much as I hated to admit it, I liked it. It sure beat staying in a cellar. Much like the rest of the room, the bathroom was completely obsidian with tiled floors and marble countertops with flexes of gold to give it a pop of color.

When I looked into the bathroom mirror and saw my reflection for the first time since coming to, I winced at how disgruntled I looked. I met four hot hellhounds and an equally hot demon lord while looking like—well, Hell. I turned on the faucet and paused when I saw red liquid spraying out rather than clear water.Please tell me that wasn't blood. Hesitantly, I cupped some of the cool liquid into my hands and brought it to my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut preparing to be hit with the metallic tang of blood, but all I tasted was fresh, clean water. Why was it red, then? Deciding not to question the logistics, I drank my fill of water until my throat no longer felt strained. Turning off the faucet, I turned to the deep, obsidian bathtub behind me, sitting at the edge and turning on the water. Once I had it set to the right temperature, I let the tub fill while I pulled off my ruined nightgown.

After turning off the hot water, I slowly stepped into the tub, letting my feet sink into the hot crimson water, then sank down until all my body was submerged, except for my head. I huffed out a breath and let my head fall back, letting myself relax for a few moments. Already the water was starting to darken from all the dust and dirt that coated my body from the fire. How long ago was that? A day? Two days? A week? I still couldn't believe Bal tried to kill me, his wife, and then had the balls to ask for forgiveness. What I wouldn't give to see him burst into flames and see how he felt.

What hurt the most wasn't the utter betrayal, but the fact that he and his colleagues likely got away with it. No doubt they'd call the fire a freak accident, and by the time they got to me it was too late. That was if they believed I really died in that fire. I wish I could make them pay for what they tried to do to me. To make them all suffer for daring to try to crucify me. If they wanted me to be the villain so badly, I'd give them a villain worthy of fearing.

Closing my eyes, I allowed my mind to drift off, imagining what I would do to them all if I had the chance. If I had the power. Maybe with all the magic I'd learn from Deimos and Helios, I'd get to kill them off one by one and make it look like an accident. Like chess pieces, each of them would vacate the board until all that was left standing was Bal. I'd want to save him for last, and make sure he knew I was coming for him. And when I finally reached him, I'd lock him in a room and watch as it caught fire. He'd have nowhere to escape and would be left alone and helpless while I watched with satisfaction.

Laughter echoed in my ears — what I now knew to be Deimos. "My, my. So, you do have some wicked thoughts within you. You're thinking like a demon already."

I gasped and opened my eyes, but when I did, all I saw was complete darkness. When I made to get up, I felt a firm hand press against the flat of my stomach, forcing me to sit back down and not move. "Not to worry, my dear Antonia. I won't harm you."

I scoffed. "Well forgive me if I have a tough time believing a devil."

"Don't you believe that if I wanted to harm you, I would've already done it? Do you realize how easily I could've killed you the last time we met in a bathroom? Or earlier when you were in my chambers?"

"Touché," I admitted.

"And what did I do instead?" Deimos asked rhetorically. "I made you feel pleasure without me having to physically be there. I gave you a luxurious bedroom to call your own while you're staying in my court. And tomorrow, you begin the process of learning to wield power far beyond your imagination."

"But I don't want power."

"But you do want revenge, don't you?"

I stilled at that, my chest tightening with the prospect of getting what I was just fantasizing about moments ago.

Even though I couldn't see it, I could imagine Deimos with a smug expression on his face as he said, "Ah, so we found a purpose for you. You want to make those fools pay for trying to kill you, huh?"

I gulped, wanting to deny it but why should I? "Yes."

"Then perhaps you should think of this as an opportunity to give you the strength and tricks needed to put those men in their place. Once you learn magic, you'll never have to fear them or anyone again. They'll be fearing you. You get to be the monster hiding in every dark corner of their mind until they're lost in insanity. They'll fall to their knees begging you for mercy. Doesn't that sound enticing, my dear?"

My breathing grew heavy as Deimos planted the seeds of vengeance into my brain. Slowly, it began to grow roots, blossoming from temptation and desire until a garden of evil was left in its wake. It was beyond enticing, it was a heart-pounding need. Justice was easily manipulated by wealth and greed, but neither of those would stop me if I had magic to conduct.

"Would you give me the chance to kill them all?" I asked darkly.

"Mmm, I think that can be arranged. I have to admit that the thought of you inflicting pain and chaos onto others is making my cock stir with interest." Deimos spoke in a sexy drawl, his phantom touches trailing up my stomach until I felt a pinch on my left nipple.

A moan fell from my lips as fire stirred in my belly. It was just like before; my sight completely closed off, leaving the rest of my senses on overload. With no way to see what Deimos was doing to me, all my focus was on how he was making me feel and on the sound of his low, sexy voice that vibrated along my spine.

…And with that, a knock at the door sounded, and like a spell being broken, he was gone.

"Hello!" I jumped when I heard the door open followed by a woman's voice.
