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Right as I looked up at him, Helios' shoulders sagged in relief.

I gave a light snort. "I see she's taken a liking to you."

"Shut up," Helios muttered softly. I'd no doubt Lord Deimos heard, which was why we'd have to limit our conversations for the time being, but I knew Antonia couldn't have possibly heard us.

"You've wounded me," I heard Lord Deimos say. "After everything I've done for you. After saving you from your eminent demise, this is how you treat me?"

"You should be grateful to the master. You should be on your knees thanking him for showing you mercy," Xaphan's voice chimed in.

"Xaphan," Helios snapped, not bothering to look his way.

Xaphan backtracked slightly but looked up at Deimos as if expecting him to validate his words.

Deimos, for his part, patted Xaphan on the back as he spoke in a soft voice, "Now, Xaphan, mind your manners. Remember, Antonia is a guest in our court."

"But, Master, I don't like how she continues to belittle your generosity towards her."

"Wow, you really are the good lord's pet, aren't you?" Antonia deadpanned with her narrowed eyes on Xaphan.

"What was that, you conniving little insect?" Xaphan growled in response as smoke billowed out from between his clenched teeth.

Antonia seemed unfazed as she slammed a hand down on the table. "Did I fucking stutter, or is your head shoved so far up Deimos' ass that it's clogged your ears?"

Abaddon's laughter burst out before Xaphan could think of a retort to fire back. "Damn, I like you, little witch. You got spunk."

I hated to admit it, but I agreed with Abaddon. She barely got into using her magic, yet even before her lessons, she wasn't afraid to hold her ground in the face of monsters who could snap her in half with one hand tied behind our backs. She could potentially become a legitimate threat with enough training from Helios, but for now, she was still a soft, fragile human. I had respect for her, and her display of a backbone made me all the more into her.

Just as I thought Xaphan was going to lunge for Antonia, the front doors burst open as a gust of wind whistled into the dining hall, blowing plates of food and goblets of wine in all directions. Everyone began climbing to their feet expecting an attack, including us.

"What's going on?" Antonia asked loudly to be overheard from the ruckus.

"Get behind me," Helios demanded, and Antonia complied without arguments.

Lord Deimos remained seated looking unbothered. As the winds died down, footsteps echoed from outside the dining room, growing louder the closer they came. When our intruder came into view, our concerns and fight or flight instinct did not wane. Entering the dining hall with his head held high and a smug look on his face, was Lord Orpheus.

"Brother! How good to see you!" he shouted gleefully with his hands out in greeting.

"Brother?" Antonia whispered her question, looking from me to Helios.

I nodded.

I couldn't blame her confusion. While the two spawns of Satan had some similarities, they showed more differences that made it seemed unlikely that they were related. Deimos' physique was the epitome of darkness and shadows with his ebony hair, charcoal colored skin and ruby red eyes. Orpheus also had long hair that went past his shoulders, but unlike Deimos, his were a deep scarlet color. His skin was the color of amber, and his eyes were twinkling orbs of sapphire. Both had two sets of horns sticking out of their heads and spikes running along their shoulders

"Orpheus," Deimos acknowledged, sounding bored as he sat there. "What brings you over this time?"

"Come now, brother. What kind of greeting is that? Don't tell me you're not happy to see me."

Deimos eyes narrowed. "Don't play games with me, brother. Now state your business or get out of my court."

"Fiiine." Orpheus sighed dramatically. "Father sent me down here. He says you may have brought a living human down from the human world and have her taking refuge in your care."

Now it was my turn to be on edge. I moved closer to Helios as if our combined bodies were enough to shield Antonia from Orpheus' watchful gaze.

Deimos scowled. "And how would you know of such an ordeal?"

"I have my sources." Orpheus shrugged nonchalantly. "But tell me, Deimos, you're not foolish enough to break such a critical rule as to bring in someone whose soul has not yet vacated from their human imprisonment, are you?"

This wasn't looking good for Deimos. The laws that govern the living and the dead were sacred. Despite being enemies, God and Satan agreed to abide by the laws to keep balance in the universe. I didn't know what would happen if Satan discovered Antonia's existence here. Would Deimos be punished? Antonia? Both?
