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I didn't know if what was happening between Helios and I was love. He was a monster, as was Deimos, and yet that didn't stop me from wondering from how his cock would feel pulsing in and out of me rather than his shadows. What about the others? I hadn't gotten the chance to spend as much time with the others as Helios, but I didn't mind Abaddon's company when he showed me around the castle. Or Apollyon trying to shield me from Orpheus' gaze.

What about Xaphan.

There was no love between us right now, but I couldn't help wondering what it was about me that he hated so much? Was it solely based on Deimos' attention on me? Don't get me wrong, he was an asshole, but there was something off about him. Something that had me wanting to know more about why he was always so angry.

Tonight at dinner was supposed to have been my time to get to know my new set of protectors until Orpheus came and ruined everything for us. I didn't even know Deimos had a brother, let alone one that could threaten Deimos' reign at Prince of Wrath. There was more to the story, I could tell. Hopefully one I'd find out about as the hellhounds and I follow Deimos to his throne room with great haste. The tension between us was thick enough to cut with a knife, but rather than try and say something to break the silence, my attention was on my hands, and what they did moments ago with Orpheus.

That burst of magic that exploded when I pushed Orpheus back… where did that come from? I wasn't even trying to cast a spell or anything, all I was trying to do was getting him off Apollyon before Orpheus killed him. Did my magic react on its own? Could it do something like that? Magic didn't have a mind of its own, did it?

"Hey. Look at me." I looked up at my left side to see Helios' concerned expression. "It's going to be okay, you hear me? We're going to figure this out."

I sure hope so.

We approached a set of black double doors with gold trimmings at the end of the corridor. With a wave of his hands, Deimos used magic to push them open strode through the entrance. The throne room was what I expected it to look like. Obsidian stone walls and flooring with torches mounted and let with deep red flames. Black pillars were lined along both sides with red and gold printed tapestries mounted to the wall. Opposite from us was the dais that set two black thrones with blood red paddings. The carved designs depicted flames with top of what I assumed was Deimos' throne showing the fiery head of a devil.

Everything about this room was dark, yet it was lit enough for me to see every dip, curve and cracks along the walls and the thrones.

Deimos paused in the center of the room, turning to face me and holding out his hand for me to take. "Come."

I took his hand without a second thought.

Deimos led me up to the dais and gestured for me to sit on the throne to the right side of me. If Deimos was king, wouldn't this one be reserved for a queen?

Hesitantly, I sat down while Deimos took his rightful place on his throne. The hellhounds lined themselves up in front of us before kneeling and dipping their heads to the ground. I gulped, feeling wrong for being up here while they were bowing. I was their captive, not their ruler.

Deimos waved a hand outwards, and the doors responded by closing, completely sealing us from the rest of the court. The silence lasted for a few more seconds before my skin jumped at the hard fist slamming against the armrest of Deimos' throne.

"How could my brother have known about Antonia's existence in here?" Deimos roared with fury. "No one outside of this court should've known about her, so why does Orpheus and Satan know about her?"

"We're as surprised as you are, my lord," Helios responded.

"We have heard that Orpheus has been sneaking around here lately. Perhaps he may have spotted Antonia when we weren't looking," Apollyon added.

"Wait a minute," I spoke out fidgeting in my seat. "Help me understand, here. Why is it so bad that Orpheus knows I'm here? What's the big deal?"

"Simple, little witch. Having a living being from the human world is expressly forbidden," Abaddon revealed.

My brow furrowed at that statement, but then I remembered something Orpheus mentioned. "Right, he said something about breaking a critical rule involving bringing someone whose soul is still inside them?"

Deimos nodded. "It's rule that was declared by my father and God. Everything in existence requires balance and order. Whether it's the land of the living, Heaven or Hell. Should the scale tip to one side, everything would start to collapse. While Satan and God share bad blood between them, they both agreed on one thing: to maintain the balance. In doing so, there were rules that both sides deemed necessary to follow. One of them being that any living being in the human world should not cross the borders to heaven or hell unless it is their time for their soul to travel without their body."

"I used to hear stories back home about people who had near-death experiences. Some would say that a voice would call to them saying it wasn't their time yet and would miraculously regain consciousness and recover. Is that Satan or God's doing in order to maintain this balance you're talking about?" I asked.

"Mostly God's doing. My father would never coax someone to stay alive."

That didn't surprise me, but at least I no longer believed that people who were standing on a thin line between life and death like a trapeze artist, and claiming to hear the voice of God, were crazy.

Lifting a leg up on my seat and wrapping my arms around it, I said, "So technically I'm not supposed to be here since I'm still alive."

"Correct," Deimos confirmed.

"Then, why am I here? Why did you bring me here if it's such an important rule to follow?"

"Because you belong to me."

Okay, I couldn't take his cryptic words anymore. Huffing out a breath, I stood from my seat and got in Deimos' face. "First of all, I don't belong to you. I'm only here because you brought me here and blackmailed me into witch training in order to win back my freedom. But clearly doing so means breaking such an important rule. So why did you break it?"

"Antonia,"Helios began saying, but a raise of Deimos' hand prevented Helios from talking further.
