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As stoic as ever, Deimos rose from his seat, staring down at me at his full height. The demon lord did have an intimidating presence to him, and while my heart was running a marathon in my chest, I wasn't backing down. Now that I knew the dangers of bringing me here and what it could mean for Deimos if Satan confirmed I was still alive, I no longer believed he brought me here just to learn magic. There was an underlying motive that he wasn't telling me, but was it enough for him to risk everything he had?

"The only thing you should be concerned about is what I'll do to you if you talk to me like that again." I didn't know why, but his rumbling threat sent shivers running down my spine. Not of fear, well not completely, but more of morbid curiosity. I highly doubted that Deimos would harm me, especially if I was such an asset to him. I should've been scared shitless, but something in the back of my mind was urging me to keep pushing his buttons.

So, I did.

I stepped closer to him, looking up where our noses were mere centimeters from touching. "I'm not afraid of you, Lord Deimos," I whispered, adding extra emphasis to his title.

Deimos gave a throaty chuckle. "You truly are suited for me."

He reached up, grabbing a fistful of my hair and tugging it down, forcing my head to lean back as a gasp escaped me. Deimos leaned closer to the side of my neck, his heated breath leaving goosebumps along my skin. Deimos stuck out his tongue, licking a line up my skin and around the curve of my ear as his heavy breath filled the inside of my ear.

My breathing came out as shakily as my body. Heat burned within the core of my stomach as I felt my pussy clenching with the need to be filled.

"You should be afraid of me, little witch," Deimos whispered before taking my earlobe between his teeth and tugging on it.

I couldn't contain the moan that escaped from me. I should've been embarrassed since Helios and the others were still here, probably watching Deimos sending my body into an uncontrollable frenzy of lust and need, but I couldn't find it in me to care. So far, two of these men have taken pleasure in teasing me and working my body up until I keep myself steady, but neither of them bothered to actually give me what I've been craving. I needed to be fucked. I needed to be filled so damn badly.

The sound of someone loudly and obnoxiously clearing his throat came just as I was about to beg Deimos to fuck me.

"Master, as much as I don't wish to take away your playtime, we still have the matter of Orpheus we need to take care of, don't you think?" Xaphan's voice broke through the sexual haze that was fogging my brain.

I didn't know whether to punch Xaphan or to kiss him for interfering, but he did have a point. Right now, it didn't matter what Deimos' reason for bringing me here was, what mattered was that Orpheus knew I was here and alive and would likely tell Satan to confirm his suspicions.

Deimos let out an unsatisfied growl before reluctantly releasing my hair.

"Nice going," Abaddon whispered loudly. "We had front row seats and you just had to ruin it."

"But he is right for reminding us that something still needs to be done about Orpheus," Apollyon commented.

"Xaphan is correct," Deimos said, gesturing everyone to rise from their knelt position. They all did and huddled around us. I felt an arm going around my waist and pulling me into a warm, firm body. A quick glance to spot the shoulder-length dark hair confirmed that it was Apollyon.

Since when was he handsy with me?

"The biggest problem is how Orpheus got the information about Antonia. If he hadn't spotted Antonia on his own, then I hate to consider this, but maybe we have a traitor in our midst," Helios hypothesized.

"I have no doubt that my brother has been snooping around the Court of Wrath, but I highly doubt he'd seen Antonia on his own. Not when she hasn't been wandering about the castle for very long. It'd be too much of a coincidence," Deimos countered. "As for the possibilities of a traitor, that would be most troubling."

"But who would go against their leader like that?" Abaddon asked.

"You'd be surprised what great lengths somebody would go to for the right price," Apollyon said.

I looked up at him with a raised brow. "You think Orpheus is persuading someone for information?"

"I wouldn't put it past him. You’re new here, so you haven't quite grasped the ramifications of Orpheus' feud with Deimos."

"My brother has always been jealous of my achievements," Deimos said. "We weren't conceived in way you're used to back in the human world. Orpheus and I were forged by magic and with his own flesh and blood. My brother and I are pieces of Satan's very body and essence molded into individual beings with our own traits and abilities. That is why we've been known as Satan's Hellspawn."

"For centuries, Orpheus has been known as the Will of Hellfire, whereas Lord Deimos, or Prince of Wrath, was the Embodiment of Darkness," Helios added.

"Like your shadows," I commented, thinking about how his display of magic so far had been manipulation the shadows and forming clouds of smoke.

Deimos smirked. "Exactly. Our use of magic are polar opposites from one another. Light and Darkness. Yin and Yang. While I could produce hellfire as well, it's not to the same magnitude as Orpheus. But I've learned far more spells and tricks than he has. I've picked up on the art of witchcraft since the day I was created. Orpheus did not. So, when the time came for our father to step down as Prince of Wrath, the title went to me since I was his true prodigy. Something that Orpheus resented with a fiery passion."

"Which is why the bastard likes to creep around, hoping for a chance to catch Deimos slipping," Abaddon said. "Trust us when we say this isn't his first time barging in uninvited and provoking Lord Deimos."

"But this is the first time he's collected something that could threaten Master's leadership of the Court of Wrath," Xaphan said with a frown then narrowed his gaze my way. "All this because of you."

"Hey!" Helios barked. "Leave her alone. This isn't her fault. She never knew any of this until now."
