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Violet flames spiraled through the other hellhound as it shrank down and shifted back to his human skin. The man standing before us now had a darker skin tone compared to Helios' legion, with wavy black hair that held streaks of purple in them, and lavender colored eyes to match. The man reached out and shook Helios' offered hand.

"Well done, Helios. You've bested me once again," the man said.

Helios grinned. "Better luck next time, Flint." Tilting his head in my direction, he added, "Flint, this is Antonia DeLuna. She's Lord Deimos' witch. Antonia, this is Flint. He's the leader of Solara's legion."

Wait, he was part of Solara's legion?

"Nice to meet you," I responded in greeting.

"Likewise. So, you were the reason for all the commotion a couple of weeks ago," Flint commented, referring to the night at dinner with Orpheus, I’m sure.

"What can I say? I love making an impact." I shrugged, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal.

"Don't mind Flint, Antonia. He's only teasing." I beamed at the sound of Solara's voice as she came to join us. Her hair was draped over one shoulder as her fiery tips seemed to glow in the daylight. "Nice seeing you again, Antonia. You seem to be more upbeat than the last time we talked."

"I feel more upbeat," I admitted.

"That's great to hear. Maybe we gossip again when these boys aren't around."

"I'd like that."

"Just don't talk about us." Abaddon playfully pouted.

Solara lightly padded his cheeks. "No promises, puffy face."

Flint mentioned something about going to check on the rest of his legion and walked away in the opposite direction. Solara made to follow him, but hesitated for a moment, seeming to have something on her mind.

Alarm bells started going off in my head. "Solara, you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just..." She paused for a moment. "I don't know if I should be saying anything."

"What is it?" Apollyon asked, stepping closer in concern.

She chewed on her lower lips internally debating on whether to talk to us or not, but ultimately decided to do so. "I'm technically not supposed to be saying anything, but I overheard the guys in my legion talking. Apparently, Orpheus has been talking to Flint a couple of times.”

The boys and I looked to each other in surprise, already not liking where this was going. I was wondering if Orpheus decided to give up, but clearly, he was still worming his way around the court.

"What about?" Helios asked.

Solara quickly looked back to make sure Flint or the rest of her legion weren't watching them before she felt safe enough to continue. "Apparently Orpheus has been trying to get others to side with him about being the one to rule over the Court of Wrath over Deimos. Saying things like how could Deimos rule and expect others to follow his rules when he couldn't even follow the rules of life and death."

"You don't think he's the one who told Orpheus about Antonia, do you?" Abaddon asked.

"I don't think so. He'd seen Antonia, and heard that we had a new guest, but never suspected that Antonia was still living until the night that Orpheus showed up at dinner. So, he can't be the whistleblower. But he did say Orpheus has been making promises to Flint that are sounding too good to pass up."

"Of course." Helios scoffed in annoyance. "Figures the only way he thinks he could win the hearts of the demons in the Court of Wrath is through bribery."

"It won't matter how he does it if it works," Apollyon muttered.

He was right. For some people it didn't matter what they had to do to win so long as they got the results they sought after. If Orpheus managed to shift people to his side, it was only going to get harder to figure out who we could trust and who we couldn't. Not to mention finding any clue as to who told him about me in the first place.

"Has Flint made any kind of decision yet?" Helios asked, to which Solara shook her head.

"Not yet, but I'll keep an ear open in case I hear anything else about it."

"Thank you, Solara, for telling us. I know this could potentially put you in danger, but I appreciate your help."

"Oh please." Solara rolled her eyes. "I'm not afraid of these guys. Flint talks tough but he doesn't know what I'm truly capable of."
