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"Noted." Helios chuckled. "Well, you should get back before they suspect something."

"Right, I'll see you guys later. Antonia, we'll catch up sometime."

"You got it," I responded, waving as she took off to join the rest of her legion. When she was out of sight, my smile faded as I faced my guys with concern. "I'm not liking where this is leading."

"Neither do I," Helios agreed. "We should warn Deimos about what Solara told us."

"That sounds good. Do you think Xaphan is with him too?" I looked around still not seeing him in sight.

"I haven't seen him all morning," Abaddon said, his brow crinkling as if now noticing his absence.

I was about to be concerned until my eyes fell on the open doors leading back into the castle and found the man in question running over to us like a bat out of... well, here.

"There he is," I said, pointing in his direction.

"You guys!" Xaphan called for us seconds before he reached up and skidded to a halt, needing a moment to catch his breath. "We have to get to Deimos in the throne room. It's urgent. I know who the rat is."

We didn't need further explanation as the five of us rushed back into the castle and over to the throne room. The two hellhounds that were on guard in front of the doors didn't have time to react to our approach before Helios used his magic to push the doors open and rush in with no explanation. Deimos was in the middle of a conversation with other demons until he saw us coming. He motioned for everyone else to leave the room, the doors closing behind us once we were alone.

"What's going on?" Deimos demanded.

Helios and the others dropped to one knee out of respect, but I merely took the throne next to Deimos like he gestured for me to do. This still felt weird, but now wasn't the time to state that.

Xaphan lifted his head to speak. "My lord, my apologies, but I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Deimos asked.

Xaphan looked to be feeling sick. A part of me wanted to go to him, to see if he was all right. "I-It's about Orpheus, and the one who told him about Antonia. You see, Master, I regret to inform you that I—"

That was as far as Xaphan got before we heard a commotion going on the other side of the door. Instantly, everyone was on alert. Helios and the guys rose to their feet, huddling around Deimos and I as the door rattled before bursting open.

Preening like a proud peacock, Orpheus strode into the throne room. Behind him was an army of what looked to have been rock monsters. Golems, I believe they were called. They were like hellhounds in a sense as they had ridges and cracks that glowed red hot with flames.

We all stilled as Orpheus approached the dais, a satisfied smirk planted on his face that foretold he came baring news that benefitted him but held a lot of pressure for us.

"Deimos. By order of our father, Satan, you are to be contained and held on trial for breaking the laws of life and death."
