Page 12 of Tattooed Boss

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“Could set a clock around it.” Marco nodded to Harley. “I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“Harley. Sorry, I was bewitched by your grandfather.”

“He has that effect on people. I’m Marco, the good-looking Moretti.”

Garrett all but snorted. “Keep telling yourself that.”

“I could tell. The genes are really strong in your family.”

“Something my grandfather is very proud of.” The door opened, and Marco waved to the regulars, telling them to take any seat. “Did you guys need anything?”

“No, we just stopped in for a drink, so we’re going to head out.”

“Well, it was good seeing you.” Marco came out from behind the bar and grabbed his hand, pulling him in for a hug.

“You too. I’ll see you the next time your wife lets you out.”

“I don’t need my wife’s permission to go out. Besides, if it’s between having sex with my wife and seeing your ugly mug, I’m choosing my wife every time.”

“Don’t blame you,” Garrett said. Aubrey was beautiful, and her heart had belonged to Marco since they were teens.

“It was nice to meet you, Harley.”

“You too. I’m sure I’ll see you around. Small town and all. Seems like I’m always running into everyone.”

Marco laughed. “You have no idea.”

He walked over to help the regulars, and Garrett turned to Harley. “You ready to go?”

“Yup, and you were right. That limoncello is delicious, but it kind of sneaks up on you.”

“I tried to warn you.”

They waved to Marco and headed to the boardwalk. The sun was starting its descent into the horizon, but still shined bright. “I think I’m going to walk home.”

“No,” Garrett said. “I’ll take you.”

“But walking’s good. I probably could use the exercise.”

“Is that you talking, the limoncello, or the negative comments?”

“Maybe a combo of all three.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“You’re not. Besides, if I don’t drive you home, Vinny will give me shit for the foreseeable future, so really, you’ll be doing me a favor.”

“Fine, but only because I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

“Thank you.”

His bike was parked at the far end of the parking lot, and when they approached, Harley whistled. “Nice bike.”

“Thanks. It is your namesake.”

“My dad sure loved his Harleys and my mom loved him enough to pacify him.”
