Page 24 of Tattooed Boss

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He placed the helmet on her head, fastened the buckle, then smacked her ass.

With a laugh, she kicked her leg over the seat. He swallowed at the image of her straddling his bike, enjoying the view for a few seconds before getting on himself.

“Hold on,” he said, and her grip tightened around his waist. Her breasts pressed into his back, and he revved the engine, taking off toward town.

The parking lot came into sight. It was still early and still pretty empty, but in a few weeks when the summer officially kicked off, these spots would be full before eight am. That’s when having a bike came in handy. He could squeeze into the smallest of spaces.

He eased his bike into the parking lot, Harley’s body leaning with him. Her curves were warm around him, and he was already thinking about having her again tonight. He loved sex as much as the next guy, but he never craved it with such intensity as he did with Harley.

His eyes settled on Harley’s car. Anger boiled inside of him, and it took all that he had to keep it beneath the surface. He came to a stop in the space beside it. Whore was spray painted across the windshield and broken eggshells and yolk dripped down the window onto the paint.

“What the fuck?” Garrett exclaimed as he kicked his leg over the bike and stormed to her car. He turned back to her. She looked small there on his bike, far from the confident woman who jumped his bones in the shower. “Harley, I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I’m the one who told you to leave your car here. I thought it would be safe. I mean this town…”

“It’s fine, really. It’s just another day in my life.”

“This has happened before?” His arm flung out toward her car, the anger boiling to the surface and spilling over.

“All the time.”

“That’s bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with these people?” He snatched his phone and dialed Reid.

“Sherriff Reid.”

“Hey, it’s Garrett. Can you meet me in the parking lot of the boardwalk? Harley’s car was vandalized.”

“I’m up the block. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Thanks.” Garrett ended the call and shoved the phone in his pocket. He clenched and unclenched his hands, trying to control the rage coursing through his veins.

“Who was that?” Harley asked.


“You called the cops?”

“I called Reid, but technically yeah.” Did she really think he wasn’t going to report this?

“You shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to turn this into a bigger deal than it has to be.”

“A bigger deal than it has to be? Harley, your car was vandalized. That is not okay.”

She shrugged as if the damage wasn’t a big deal. That someone thinking it was okay to write whore across her windshield was perfectly fine. It sure as hell wasn’t. “It’s just paint and egg. I can clean it off.”

“That’s not the point!” He cringed when she jumped at the loud snap of his tone. He moved to her, resting his hands on her arms. “Harley, you can’t let these people get away with this. Especially not here in Willow Cove. We don’t tolerate shit like this.”

She blinked up at him, tears filling her eyes, and he wanted to hunt down every person who ever hurt her and destroy them. “I don’t know how to stop them.” Defeat weighed her voice, and her body slumped in dejection. He hated that this was the part of herself he knew she’d been hiding.

“We’ll figure it out.”

“This isn’t your problem.” The tears that had filled her eyes so easily vanished now. It was as if he watched a wall drop right in front of him.

“That’s where you’re wrong. We’re a team now. Me and you. Got it?”

“You didn’t sign up for this.”
