Page 50 of Good Girl Fail

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She looked up at him. “And we have good chemistry?”

He let out a soft sound, half laugh, half disbelief. “Not good, Shaq. Explosive. I knew it the second you kissed me in the kitchen. Which is why I was supposed to stay away from you, little sister’s best friend. Look what happens when I hang around you too much. I corrupt you.”

The confession made her happier than it should. “I’m a willing victim.”

“Thank God.” He cocked his head toward the door. “Want to continue your downfall and join me in the shower? We can have some fun getting clean.”

She grinned. “Another first? It’s like a two-for-one deal tonight.”

He chuckled and climbed off the bed. “I wouldn’t mind smelling like you all night, but smelling like a college dance club? Not so much.” He pulled on his boxers and then opened one of his drawers. He tossed her a soft gray T-shirt that smelled like his laundry detergent. “Come on.”

She sat up and slipped it over her head. When she stood, it hit her at mid-thigh. She glanced toward the door. “What about Lennox?”

“He should be in bed by now. And he showers in the morning.” Auden opened his door and peeked into the hallway to check. “We’re good.”

He put out his hand, and she joined him. But when they’d taken a few steps down the hall, Lennox appeared at the other end, apparently having gone to the kitchen for a glass of water.

All three of them froze.

Lennox, standing there in his pajama pants and nothing else, was the first to snap out of statue mode. His gaze quickly scanned over the two of them, and the corner of his mouth twitched up a little.


“Hi.” O’Neal was suddenly super aware that all she was wearing was a T-shirt. She tugged at the hem.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“It was great.” She cringed at the blurted words, realizing too late that she’d saiditwas great instead ofeverything’s great.

Lennox chuckled. “I heard. Congrats.”

“You need the bathroom for anything?” Auden asked, all business.

“Nope,” Len said, closing the distance between them. He took a sip of his water and gave O’Neal a playful look. “So he took good care of you, Sweets?”

She took a breath, tamping down the awkwardness trying to ruin the moment, and gave Auden a considering glance. She looked back to Lennox. “Solid bachelor’s degree level, I’d say.”

Len choked at her deadpan delivery, nearly spitting out his water.

“Hey!” Auden said with mock offense.

Lennox leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I like you, O’Neal Lory. Any woman who could come that loudly and still give the guy shit about it is my kind of person.” He reached out and patted Auden’s cheek. “Better luck next time, champ. If you need tips or an extra hand, you know where to find me.”

With that, Lennox walked past them and into his room.

Auden shook his head. “You shouldn’t encourage him, you know.”

She smirked. “Why not?”

He opened the door to the bathroom. “Because he’s not kidding about the extra hand.”

Her lips parted as a new, brain-breaking thought hit her, other previous comments piecing together in her head. “Wait. Have y’all ever—”

He put his fingers over her lips. “Get in the shower, freshman. No more lessons tonight.”


Auden stared at the slowly turning ceiling fan in the morning light, listening to the soft sound of O’Neal’s breathing. He wasn’t used to waking up next to someone. His and Len’s hookups were always with people who had crystal clear boundaries and expectations about the night. No one slept over. But after last night, there was no way he was sending O’Neal back to her dorm. Not after her first time.
