Page 10 of The Gauntlet Trials

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“How am I…” Lesion paused, redirecting. “What do you mean the flowers don’t lie?”

She suddenly raced to the corner of the room and returned to dump a handful of daisy petals onto the table. “That’stwelveflowers and they all said the same thing.”

Lesion regarded the pile then her. He was utterly lost. He wasn’t even sure what question to ask for clarification.

“Twelvetimes,Lesion!Twelve times it landed on he loves menot!”

“Tully,” Lesion beckoned, holding on to his patience. “What does that mean? How did the flowers tell you that?”

Her cute face pinched with incredulous disbelief and maybe confusion. “What do you mean, how? They just did!”

He lowered his head, taking in a slow breath. “Tully…how do flowers know anything of that nature? Much less such a thing about me?” he asked, meeting her perturbed stare.

“You don’t know?” she asked, seeming to finally consider he was truly ignorant of her odd flower facts.

“I have not a single clue,” he assured, wanting to take her hand and pull her into his lap. He watched as she took her seat again and stared with distress at the petals on the table.

“Well…you take a flower, and you pull the petals off one by one and… you say ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ and whichever one it lands on at the last petal is the truth of the matter.” She raised her clear, serious as can be gaze to him. “Cause flowers don’t lie,” she reminded with soft sincerity.

Lesion lowered his head again, mostly to hide his smile. What a treasure she was. But what strange odds. How on earth could twelve flowers all have the same lying thing to say about him?

“Well…what do you have to say?” she wondered as he eyed the petals.

He raised his brows before looking at her. “I’m trying to figure out what I did to those flowers that they would lietwelvetimes about me.”

She shook her head, adamant again. “Flowers don’t lie.”

He nodded slowly, trying to come up with a suitable solution to her adorable problem. “Let me see these petals.”

She quickly pushed them toward him, and he began sorting through the pile. “Ah,” he said after a dozen or so.

“What is it? What are you seeing?”

The hope in her sweet tone told him she wanted the flowers to be wrong. “See here?” He pushed one of the petals toward her. Notice the split in this petal?”

“I do,” she said softly, raising a curious gaze to his. “What does it mean?”

“It means it’s a twin. So…it counts for two votes. And that changes the answer to the question of Lesion loving you.”

She stared at him with such earnest before regarding the petal again. “Really,” she whispered, astonished. She quickly began examining the rest of the petals and Lesion realized he may not have won yet. “Here’s another like it!” She sucked in a breath. “And another.” She sped up, searching the pile. “I’ll need to redo the whole process. I’ll need more flowers.”

He hid his sigh. “I don’t see why you need to.”

She shot her gaze to his, brows pulling together. “To know the truth.”

He sat back and eyed her before raising his hands to his chest. “When have I ever lied to you, Tully? You trust the flowers more than you trust me? Who rescued you from that hell? The flowers? Which of these flowers in the swamp would give their life to protect every part of you?” He watched as tears slipped down her lowered cheeks. “I may not know many things about love, Tully, but I know that I cannot see the world the way I used to. It’s as if you’ve imprinted yourself in every fiber of my being. You’re everywhere that I am. I can’t see or hear or taste or touch orfeelwithout thinking of you. You’ve changed everything in my entire world to one, singular, miraculous thing. Her name is Tully. And I want in this moment to make love to her, but more than that, I want…” Lesion paused and lowered his head, weighing his feelings and searching for the right words. “I want you to know me with all that you are so that you never doubt me or my feelings.”

Lesion watched as his sweet angel became consumed with the truth of his words and hurried to him. The universe opened its secret doors as she climbed in his lap and devoured his mouth. His mind dove in after, confessing things of its own accord, a litany of sound, the voice of this heaven she poured into him. “This mouth, this beautiful mouth,” he gushed, holding her face and taking as much of it as he could. “This is mine, Tully. All of you, all of you is mine.”

The sounds she made were a music so new to his ears and mind it made him need to create a written language for it.

Tully broke the kiss and held herself back. “Why?” she wondered around the burn in her gaze still locked on his mouth. “Why would they lie?”

Lesion’s chest filled with those hot chemicals as he stroked her innocent face now filled with curious wonder more than worry.

“They can’t lie,” he said, wanting to put her beautiful mind at peace. “But they can’t tell things they don’t know either. I’m a very private man and I keep all my feelings and thoughts in a place no man or woman or…flower can go. The flowers didn’t lie, they just didn’t know.”

Rapture filled him at the sweep of her tongue over her perfect lips while in stern contemplation. “They guessed?” she wondered.
