Page 11 of The Gauntlet Trials

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He couldn’t stop his smile at the tenderness in her tone. “I suppose they did.” Seeing the direction of their words, he hurried ahead with, “I think maybe my quiet mood may have been mistaken for…grumpy, or…foul. Mean. Unloving,” he added, watching the dots connect in her eyes then dawn in her smile.

She finally brought her lips back to his, devouring him and his mind again. “And I bet you only pick them to ground them up.”

He slid his fingers into her hair from beneath, caressing her scalp. “Yes,” he agreed, gripping her head and holding her perfect mouth still for his explosive explorations. “Like a mad monster. So mad and insane,” he breathed, standing with her.

She clung to his body as he carried her to his bed. Their bed. He paused next to it, realizing. Their marriage bed.

“Make love to me, Lesion. I’ve never made love before.”

The soft beg filled his mouth like warm magic followed by panic.

“I wish I was a virgin,” she added, answering the rogue worry that crossed his mind as he quickly stripped out of his swamp attire.

“You are,” he assured, not counting the abuse she’d suffered.

Her eyes gripped his cock tightly as he climbed on the bed and helped with her white lace sundress. Her nakedness was something to behold and Lesion was at war with a million instincts even as her head shook for some reason.

“But I’m not,” she said.

He tore his eyes from the feast beckoning between her legs and met her worried gaze. “You are to me,” he assured, back to eyeing his very own miracle.

He pushed her legs apart and she got up on her elbows. “How is that possible? And…why is it to you?”

At hearing he’d opened something too fascinating for her to pass up, he paused again, staring at her. He grazed her body with his as he made his way to her mouth for another kiss. “Until I touch you in this way, you are untouched. It doesn’t matter who or what has touched you before.” He nipped along her mouth. “It doesn’t count.”

Her delicate fingers groped his face and held it tight. “Is this…the kind of virgin you are? To me?”

Lesion fought with the loaded question, knowing it posed as a possible barricade to what he wanted immediately. But every answer that came presented more blockades she’d be unable to leave. “A virgin just means being new to something. This is new to me and new to you the same?” Her curiosity morphed into confusion, sending him in search of a better answer only to realize he had none. “How about we figure it out later.”

“So you’ve…been with another woman?”

His heart faltered then recovered almost as instantly as he gushed his, “No! I have never been with any woman. Inanyway. Ever.”

She stared into his eyes as he carefully returned to her mouth. “Let me,” he whispered, moving between her legs. “Let me be your first. They way you’re my first.”

“Your very, very, first?”

“Very very,” he whispered, sliding himself along her entrance. The very beginning of her was hot and tight, stealing his breath along with every thought in his head.

“Then take it. Take me for the first time,” she gasped, wrapping her legs around him.

“Tully!” he strained as she forced him deep inside her.

All his mental calculations of pace and flow and rhythm’s were shattered as he bucked his hips like some wild animal. Exactly fourteen strokes and he blew apart inside and out. Holy father of swamp fires, she’d swallowed him whole. His Tully universe gobbled him up and he knew he’d never see his old world again. And he never wanted to.


“How much farther?”

Spook had to chuckle as he navigated the small motorboat to his special location. “Thirty seconds closer than last time you asked.”

“I can’t help it, I’m nervous.”

The delicate whine came with the barest press of her breast into his back—again. He let the heat flood in. It had become a constant love-song in his dick. Their wedding song. He’d been singing it from the moment he set eyes on her. “I guess you can be nervous.”

“Why? What are you going to do?”

He chuckled at the worry in her voice. “Things you’ve never dreamed,” he assured, again impressed with her submission. Ever since he’d laid down the requirement for her cooperation or he’d call it all off, she became his sweet little angel. He’d meant it for the actual wedding ritual but her obedience in even the smallest requests was a fun treat. He decided to leave it. Otherwise, she’d be in his lap raping his mouth while he tried getting them there. And he wanted that mouth of hers to rape his, but not until he said. And just like he said.
