Page 12 of The Gauntlet Trials

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The buzzing heat in his muscles and even bones said he was ready to command her as much as she wanted to be. No, needed, she needed that. And he could not fucking love anything more. There was surely something divine about when she was submissive and vulnerable in the same breath. He could live for that.

His stomach danced with marriage excitement as the cove he searched for came into view. “We’re here.” He turned enough to see her face looking all around then pointed at the hanging canopy of trees. “There.”

“In the trees?”

“Close your eyes.”

“Oh God,” she squealed, covering her eyes with a hand while holding his waist tight with her other arm. “I won’t peek!”

“Good,” he laughed, shutting off the motor when they entered his little swamp paradise. “Welcome to Swamp Desure.”

As he parked the boat next to land, he laughed at her gasps and wordless dramatic babblings. “Glad you like it.”

“Iloveit! We should build a house here!”

“Well…maybe not. Stay in the boat while I have a look around. Understood?”

She gave a bunch of nods while smiling and giggling. He kept her in his peripheral as he made sure the small island wasn’t currently being occupied by any of his teethy friends. There were plenty of tracks so definitely not abandoned.

“What are you looking for?” she whispered loudly.

“Anything we wouldn’t want to sleep with.”

“Is there a bed in that thing?”

He looked up at the treehouse. “There will be.” Soon as he put their blankets in it.

“Why is it so high up? Does it flood?”

“To watch,” he said, making his way up the ladder, pleased with how intact it still was.

“Bird watch?” she called quietly as he pushed open the hatch and glanced around the eight-by-eight floor. Still solid. He climbed through and looked down around the boat, searching the water for movement.

“I like birds,” she whispered, waving up at him with a smile.

He hurried back down, eager to start his marriage plans. “Why are you whispering?” he whispered, pulling her out of the boat by her outstretched hand. He kissed her before she could answer, allowing his hunger free with his groan.

He remembered where they were and pulled back. “Let’s get you safe.”

He pulled her to the tree, smiling at her instant, “Are we in danger?”

“Not as long as I’m here.” He followed her up, admiring her camo ass as she went up the ladder.

“When do I get to know what we’re doing?” she asked, climbing through the opened hatch. “Oh my goodness, this is amazing! And socute!”

She made her way to standing and looked all around, the pure excitement on her face making him smile. “Don’t lean out too far. I’ll go get our stuff.”

“Okay. Why is this place so special?” she asked as he headed down.

“It’s where I come to hunt.”

“Oh,” she said, sounding curious and confused. “What do you hunt?”

She was back to whispering, like maybe the animals might understand. “Alligators mostly.”

She gasped as he filled his hands with all their bags. “What for? Please don’t say youeat them!”

He chuckled, heading back to the ladder. “Okay.”
