Page 23 of The Gauntlet Trials

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“When will you tell her?” Samuel asked.

Bishop paced on the porch, shaking his head. “I can’t tell her while I have jack shit for answers to anything.”

“When will he know more?”

“He thinks soon. Which means could be tomorrow could be next week. Or month. All on top of everything going on.”

“Did Maggie know her father?”

“She did at one time. But I have no clue how close she was to him so we have two possible devastations looming.”

His phone buzzed and he looked. “Mah-Mah,” he muttered, reading the text.

Spoke to the Grand Oratrice. They said a Fate Roll is required regarding the Gauntlet and we’ll do it at the same time we hold hearings for those at the weigh station. Tomorrow morning at 9:00 am sharp.

He shoved the phone in his pocket before he threw it at the wall.

“Bad news?”

Bishop eyed him. “I feel like I’m at the head of a parade of wicked storms, Seer. And this is the first of many.”

“What’s going on?”

“The Fate Roll will happen in regard to the right hand rules and The Gauntlet. After the Auditors hear those waiting at the weigh station. Tomorrow morning at 9:00.”

Seer gave a sound of surprise, but Bishop wasn’t sure about what. Had he really expected anything different?

“Forgot they were over there still.”

Bishop stalked the wood planks, eyeing him. “Is that what you’re piffed over?”

“Not piffed at all,” he said. “Nothing to be piffed about.”

“Easy for you to say, Seer.”

“I have the same stakes in this as you now, brother. You think I want Cherie to have right hand voting powers while knowing she’ll try and leverage it for all the wrong reasons?”

Bishop considered that, shaking his head. Wouldn’t that be something. “Seems like everybody has leverage but us.”

“Our leverage is in the Fate Roll.”

“Oh, Jesus, Samuel,” Bishop muttered dryly, facing the bayou again.

“It is,” he assured. “You get three requests I believe in these types of matters?”

“Mah-Mah does too.”

He nodded. “So, what will your requests be?”

“I’d like to cancel the right-hand bullshit altogether,” he said.

“At least in times of war,” Seer agreed. “So that’s one. What’s your second if the Fate Roll denies you?”

Bishop considered that, searching the mist hanging over the water for answers.

“Maybe no voting rights during wartime?”

Bishop turned to him, nodding. “That’s a good one. And if Fate says no to that?” He eyed Seer, praying he had the miracle answer.
