Page 29 of The Gauntlet Trials

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Samuel released Maggie to Spook and turned to the Auditors, fighting to catch his breath and spinning mind. “The boy is not one of theirs. He’s…a prisoner. And he doesn’t speak because…” Seer’s breaths turned ragged with rage as he eyed the boy. “He doesn’t speak because they caused him to be mute.”

Spook had left out with Maggie but her agonizing wails could still be heard in the now silent room full of sorrow and shock.

Seer found Bishop’s confounded gaze. “The Noctambule willsurelypay for this.”

He nodded firmly. “They will.”

The gavel rang out again. “We’ll take a thirty-minute recess. When we return, The Bishop’s Twelve will roll the Fate Dice to determine who will care for this boy. Then we’ll conduct the scheduled Gauntlet business after. The Gardien will see to the boy’s immediate needs.”


Beth hurried to Bishop the second recess was announced, her heart pounding still from what had happened. She watched the boy being led away, her heart splitting in her chest at what she’d heard. How had they made him mute? Removed his tongue? God how horrible. And how old was he?

Bishop wrapped his arms around her and pressed his mouth to her ear. “We beat him when he couldn’t confess.”

The burning words and the pain in them stabbed her. “I know,” she gasped, stroking his head. He pulled back and led her across the room to a door. He opened it and looked inside then pulled her in and shut it. Beth watched him pace in the room with his hands on his shaking head. “I feel so fucking evil right now,” he muttered. “Sofuckingstupid.”

“I know,” she whispered, knowing there was nothing else to say. “I wish we all had the gifts Maggie and Seer has.”

“Thank God she was here,” he said, stopping to look at her. “No telling what would’ve happened.”

“The Fate Roll seemed to work,” she said, still amazed by it.

“I was ready to judge that kid in the worst possible way. I had all the sins of the coven resting on his innocent head!” he nearly yelled.

She could only nod, understanding as he went back to pacing.

“I am going to hunt them monsters, I swear to God, I will hunt all of them and Iwillbring them to justice. Because what they did to him, is only a smallfractionof what they’ve done to many others and will continue to do,” he seethed, pointing at the wall while burning her with his gaze.

Again, she nodded. “I know you will. All of you will bring the justice he deserves and the rest like him.”

He hurried to her and hugged her. “They were going to take Luseah that night. They were coming for you, Beth. They won’t stop till they get what they want.”

“Theywillstop,” she assured. “Because you’ll get to them first.”

He pulled back and held her face, kissing her. “God, I missed kissing you. Feels like it’s been a week.”

The wall was suddenly at her back, and she was gasping right in his hungry mouth all over hers. He broke away and looked at the door. The second he locked it, her legs began to tremble. He turned and eyed her skirts as he undid his belt, sending her in a hurry to make way for him. She got out of her panties and skirt in three seconds as he lifted her right leg and slid his cock along her with a “Shhhh.”

Her womb jerked at remembering their airplane bathroom event. His cock shoved in with the press of his hand over her shocked cry followed by his grunts in her face as he bucked his hips. He made his cock pound her core in rapid fire as voices mumbled right outside the room. She fought to be quiet, locking her eyes on his, now boring into her.

“You want me to come in your cunt?” he barely whispered, hammering faster.

She managed a nod as she stifled her high pitch moans.

“I’m fucking coming so hard in your pretty cunt.” His hand left her mouth and bit in her hair as he kissed her, his own groans blasting in stifled strains.

She somehow made it through without screaming about it to everybody at the little swamp court-tree-house. Now they’d go back in the courtroom for the next event with the Fate Dice. Poor Bishop. She couldn’t believe they were stuck having to do it. But she had to believe it would work out. If not for her, for him. She would break that cycle in his life. She already had. She’d not stop until he believed without a doubt that he deserved good things too.


Beth watched Bishop whispering to Samuel a few feet away from where she sat, waiting for the Auditors to return. They had five minutes left. She was hoping Bishop would come so she could ask how this was supposed to go. Would she be required to do anything? Say anything? Knowing beforehand would be helpful and avoid her making a fool of herself and him.

She glanced at the kitchen next to the main room. All the Auditors were in there with masks raised and perched on top their heads, going on like it was a party instead of a legal proceeding. Was like they mixed family with everything there. She loved that about them but wasn’t so sure about it at the courthouse where people were going to be prosecuted for crimes.

She looked around, spotting Maggie and Spook laughing just outside the room on the tree-house’s wrap around porch. Thank God for him. She wondered what he’d done to put her in such a good mood. Maybe what Bishop had done. She looked around for Tully and Lesion, not seeing them. And where was Cherie?

Bishop made his way to her and sat, kissing her on the cheek.
