Page 35 of The Gauntlet Trials

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“She picked chewing gum,” Lesion said.

“What’s happening?”

Everybody turned as Spook walked up.

“Pull up a chair and share your damn phone,” Bishop said. “I don’t have mine. Swore I wouldn’t fucking watch.”

Seer let out a low chuckle before telling Spook, “Your woman just picked chewing gum.”

“Uh-oh,” he said. “That might actually hinder her gifts.”

“What gifts?” Lesion wondered.

“Her dolphin skills?” Bishop asked, getting a laugh from Spook.

“Yeah, she’s got mad sonar powers,” Spook bragged. “She can figure out the distance and exact location of things if it makes a sound.”

“Cherie just picked darts,” Bishop said.

Seer scoffed lightly. “The hell does he have darts for?”

“No telling with Bullets,” Spook muttered.

Lesion wished for once he knew the details of the tests just to be prepared in her behalf if anything. “What did Tully just pick?” Lesion wondered, straining at the screen.

“I couldn’t tell what it was,” Bishop said.

“Here we go.” Spook shifted in the chair as Bullets led them to the firearm table.

“Eyes on me,” Bullets called. “Ears wide open. I’m going to show you how to clean this gun. There are five steps. Number one, you spray your cloth with this. Number two, you wipe down the entire outside of the gun. You start with the muzzle, then the barrel and sights, then the hammer, the cylinder release, the trigger, the trigger guard, the outer cylinder and the ejector rod.” He demonstrated each as he went. “Number three, press the cylinder release and open the cylinder. Spray the cylinder chambers with the same spray and use thisrotarybrush to clean inside each chamber. Shut the chamber. Number four, spray the cleaner into the barrel and use the rotary brush to clean the inside of the barrel. Number five. Take the microfiber cloth, feed it halfway through this tool like this and run it through the cylinders and the barrel like so. Then shut the cylinder and set the gun down. You’re done. Andwhenyou’re done, you yell ‘done’. Got it?”

Lesion watched as they all nodded.

“No talking during tests,” Bullets said. “Your names are on the interior wall of your station. There’s a strip of red tape where you are to stand during the test. You have everything youneedto complete your task. Testing starts in one minute. Get to your stations.”

The women all hurried to the side of the room and found their stations. Tully put whatever she’d picked from the Gauntlet table in her pocket, looking over her shoulder at Bullets for the signal.

“You’ll have four minutes to complete this task. Time starts….now.”

The men in the other room went nuts while the four of them watched the women hurry through the steps.

“Wow, so far they’re all nailing it,” Lesion whispered.

“Look at Tully,” Spook said.

Lesion was. Her speed was surprising.

“She’s good under pressure,” Seer muttered, sitting forward. “Come on Ma Cherie, you can do it.”

“They’re making good time, all of them,” Bishop said.

The men were in an uproar by the three-minute mark. One more minute remaining. The final cylinder cleaning with the cloth was costing them time. Every time they shoved the tool in, the cylinder spun.

“Done!” Maggie was the first to yell.

Three seconds later, another “Done!” from Beth.

“Thirteen seconds,” Bishop muttered as the men’s yells got deafening. “Come on ladies.”
