Page 36 of The Gauntlet Trials

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“Done!” Tully yelled, holding her hands up before her.

“You can do it Ma Cherie,” Seer barely said.

The men were on the final countdown. “Five…four…three…two…”

“DONE!” Cherie yelled, sending them on their feet in a shout of triumph. Then they all collapsed back in their chair while the men howled and laughed in the other room.

“Your Cherie nearly cost me a heart attack, bruh!” Traps yelled, howling in laughter.

“You and me both,” Seer chuckled, rubbing his hands over his face.

“Your next task will be added to the first one,” Bullets announced. “Along with an extra minute on the timer. Each station has a cubbyhole with a box and a key. Between every gun cleaning step, you will open the box and place one of the items in its proper place on the bulletin board at your station. Each bulletin board has a map with numbers on it. There are five items in the box. You have to figure out the rest. When you’re done with all your tasks, you yell ‘done’.”

Testing starts… “Now!”

“The gun cleaning should be a lot easier this time,” Bishop said as the women jumped into gear.

They all retrieved the boxes in the cubbyhole maybe five to ten seconds apart.

“They are killing it!” Patches yelled in the other room as Lesion held his breath. Tully was confused with the contents of the box.

“They match the numbers on the map,” Seer said, pointing to Beth’s tag she’d just put.

“She figured it out!” Lesion said when Tully put her first tag then zoomed back to the cleaning. She stood there immobile for many seconds then jumped into action, costing Lesion a near heart-attack.

“Come on Maggie,” Spook whispered. “The cylinder release, press the cylinder release.”

“Whooooo look at Miss Seer go!” Bacon yelled, jerking Lesions gaze to the camera at her station. She was on her third peg.

“Two minutes!” 8-Bit called loudly.

“Fuck this is going to be another nailbiter,” Bishop muttered.

Something fell at Beth’s station, and she quickly retrieved it.

“They not gonna make it!” Hurricane cried.

“Yes they will,” Seer said, as if willing it.

“One minute!” 8-Bit called.

“They all have two tags left,” Spook said.

“Ma Petite!” Bishop cried when she dropped a second item.

“Tully is on her last one,” Lesion whispered, his heart racing. “You can do it angel.”

“Maggie’s in the lead!” Bacon yelled. “Bring it home!”

“Thirty seconds,” 8-Bit called loudly.

“Shut the fuck up,” Bishop muttered, moving to the edge of his seat. “The right corner of the map baby, the right corner!”

“Done!” Maggie shot out, putting her hands in the air.


“Done!” Cherie yelled.
