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“I need a haircut,” I say to no one in particular, but I mean it. If I’m going anywhere, I’m getting a haircut first, or I’m not going.

“Where are you staying, Grandpa?” I stiffen against Cole, giving myself away—again.

“With you, of course, at that big villa of yours.”

“And we are delighted to have you stay with us.” I perk up, smiling at Alan.

“Thank you, Kate.”

“We’ll have Morgan take you home to the villa, and Kate and I will go to the salon and get her hair fixed. Let’s meet at the club around nine. That gives us a few hours.”

“Excellent, Viva Las Vegas.” Alan raises his cane and walks down the hall towards the elevators.


Cole is silent all the way to the spa. He’s starting to irritate me. Be mad and yell or let it go. Just stop silently brooding about it. He holds my hand the entire way. I keep having to stifle the urge to pull it out of his grasp. That will just irritate me more and make him more—well, whatever he is—angry, I guess.

Cole looks at the girl’s name tag then says, “Ellie, is Edward still here?”

“Yes, Mr. Holt. He’s just finishing up with a client, then he’s done for the night.”

“Good, tell him my wife Kate needs a haircut before he leaves.”

“Yes, sir.”

I wave to Ellie from behind Cole. She gives me a brief smile, then scurries away to find the hairstylist. Cole looks at me and his forehead scrunches.

“What? I like her. She’s nice.” Cole pulls me down the hallway. He knocks on a door that says massages. When no one answers, he walks in, turning the light on.

I blow out a long breath, oh boy, here we go. “It wasn’t my fault. She came at me.”

“Yes, with a pair of scissors.”

“She was upset.” I don’t want to tattle on Olivia. It’s her business. She needs to figure it out.

“About what?”

“About what I said the other night in the limo; about her and Kit. She’s afraid…” I stop. I don’t want to lie to Cole. That will only cause me more problems.

“She’s afraid of what? That my dad will find out?”

“I…I can’t tell you.”

Cole hitches me up on the massage table like a child. “Yes, you can. She tried to hurt you.”

“We both went for the scissors. She was closer.”



“This is serious. This is the second altercation you two have had in less than a week, almost the third, and now there are sharp objects involved. She could have done worse than cut a few hairs.”

“A few hairs? She cut like three inches off my hair. Do you know how long it’s taken me to get my hair to grow?”

“Why did you lie to Luke?”

“I didn’t. Did you see her? Have you ever seen her like that?”
