Page 46 of Fireball

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Damn it. “Yeah, I do too.”

I soften my tone because I really want to hear her answer and not make her rage at me. “Why didn’t you tell me that night?”

Her gaze drops to her hands tangled on her thighs, and she spins my ring around on her finger. My pulse hums from the image. Being mine looks good on her.

Finally, she blows out a long breath. “I should have. I was wrong not to. But I was so hurt by you and then when I realized you didn’t forget about me…”

Not fucking possible. “What?”

Reluctant to admit the truth, she squeezes her eyes shut. “I was emotional, I guess. I’ve never been close to anyone before and was caught up in the fact that I was going to be with the man I thought I loved.”

Shit. That hurts. “Thought?”


“You don’t love me?”

Still nothing. Lack of a response means I still have a fighting chance. And I’m going to fight like hell to win her back. “I will make sure you don’t just think you love me, you’ll know for sure.”

She bolts up from her chair. Emotion makes her skittish. I get it.

“I’m going to take a nap. I’m tired.”

Me too. But I have too much to do to crash. “Get some rest. You’re going to need it later.”

Another head shake and eye roll before she rushes out of the room.

I miss her already.

Fuck me.


Until now I’ve never understood that cliché about a thin line between love and hate. I always figured it’s one emotion or the other. Somehow Titan stirs both in me. I want to smack him and then I want to find out what punishments he intends to dole out.

Despite the need for his hands on my body, I refuse to give in. I’m better than just sex. If he wants a relationship, he has to earn my heart again.

Bullying me into accepting his proposal isn’t the way.

I brush over the diamond again. I just can’t seem to stop touching the sparkling stone. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Which doesn’t make his intimidation right. Or make resisting easy if I’m honest with myself.

Chelsea hovers in the kitchen doorway with Pete sprawled by her feet. She pops into the corridor as soon as she sees me. Although Pete wags his tail he stays stretched out on the hardwood. Poor buddy is exhausted too.

“What did he say?’

Beside things that make me want to get naked with him? I shake my head. “He’s not as mad as before about Maxim.”

“Which is saying a lot because my brother’s always mad about something.”

True. “I think he might talk to him again.”


Her breathless whisper is such an opposite reaction from her normal screech, I can’t help but smile when I nod. She’s an absolute goner for this man. I love how sweet they are together, which is ironic as dangerous as Maxim is too.

“Will you be my matron of honor?”

Maid. I will never marry her brother. “I wouldn’t start planning a wedding quite yet. Titan’s still angry. With his temper, I’m sure there’ll be a bunch of fighting before he finally agrees.’
