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Eli and Hartley came over about two hours ago, their arms full of desserts. I think I tried one of each, but her salted caramel brownies were my favorite. Heath even gave me half of his because I inhaled mine so fast.

Eli didn’t say much during dinner, but I got the impression that that was normal behavior for him. Maybe it’s something in the water up here that just has all of the guys grunting rather than using their words.

Hartley was a blast though, and I could see us being good friends. She’s funny and smart and a damn good cook. She helped Brennan and me with dinner and told us some stories from culinary school.

“See you tomorrow!” I say, waving as all of our guests leave.

Heath is still in the kitchen, finishing up the dishes and I pick up the living room before I head to join him.

I need a little time to clear my head. I can’t believe that I kissed him today. Twice! I need to get my head on straight and remember just how much I need this job but it’s like whenever I’m with him, I forget all about my responsibilities and he’s all that I can focus on.

It’s like we’re magnets and whenever I’m near him, I just can’t help but get drawn to him.

In the beginning, it was his looks. I mean, who wouldn’t want a thick, muscled man with those piercing teal eyes. Now that he’s started to open up to me though, I think I’ve started crushing on him even more.

It obviously takes a lot for him to be open and vulnerable with someone, and it means a lot that he’s willing to do that with me. I wasn’t lying when I said that he reminds me of my grandpa and I wonder how much of Heath’s crabby attitude is due to just pain.

He’s always so sweet and patient with Brennan and Patrick though, and I know that it’s because he loves them. My grandpa was the same way with me. Even when he was dying, he was trying to show me kindness and love.

I’ve seen Heath rub his leg and wince several times today but he never complains or mentions the discomfort that I know he must be in.

I need to stop thinking about him. My dissecting him and how sweet he was to me today isn’t helping me douse my feelings with cold water. It’s more like I’m dousing them in gasoline.

I take a deep breath, trying to get my libido under control as I head into the kitchen to help him.

Only he’s not in the kitchen.

I frown as I look back into the living room and then I head for the back door. Maybe he needed some fresh air. I look in the backyard but it’s empty too, so I retrace my steps.

I head down the hallway and pause as I reach his bedroom door. I can hear him moving around inside, the tapping of his cane a dead giveaway.

Maybe I shouldn’t go in though. I can just go to my own room and try to go to bed too. If he needs me, he can call for me. I’m right across the hall, so I’ll hear him.

Except… maybe I should check on him after today. He was pretty active and then the panic attack.

My hand is moving to open the door before I can stop myself.

“Hey,” I say as my eyes lock on him and he stares back at me as the door swings open fully.

He’s got his hands on the hem of his shirt, lifting it slightly, and my mouth starts to water at the sight of all of his tanned skin and muscles on display.

“Going to bed?” I ask, my voice coming out hoarse and low.

What is happening to me? It’s like my whole body is on fire.

I’m burning up. The hairs on the back of my neck and arms are on end and there’s this low, deep thrum in my stomach that has me feeling on edge. My nipples are tight and my breasts feel heavy and achy.

He drops his shirt, his eyes meeting mine.

“Corrine,” he says and hearing my name in his deep voice is what does it for me.

I’m across the room in a flash and in his arms in the next instant. His lips land on mine and my body winds up even more.

“Corrine,” Heath says roughly, his voice holding a warning. “If we don’t stop, I’ll never be able to stop. Not with you.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” I whisper and the next second I’m in the air, my legs wrapped around Heath’s waist as he pins me to the wall outside his bedroom door.

“I need you,” I tell him and he nods, his lips and hands becoming more frenzied as they start to move over me.
