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She heads into the back and Heath and I start to peruse the cases of baked goods.

“We should get bread,” I tell him when I see the shelves of fresh baked loaves.

“Didn’t we buy some yesterday?”

“Not that kind,” I say, pointing to the shelves.

He rolls his eyes but nods and I skip over to pick out some ciabatta rolls while he goes back to glaring at the donuts like they’ve wronged him in some way.

He’s still a grump but there’s something different about him this morning. His edges aren’t as sharp as they were the last few days. He almost looks… happy.

I smile as I study him and then Hartley comes back into the room and I hurry to look away. I can’t be caught ogling the guy that I’m supposed to be taking care of.

“Anything else for you two?” she asks as she rings up the brownies.

“These,” I say, setting the box of rolls on the counter. “And maybe some of the cupcakes?”

Heath nods and we get one of each flavor. I insist on paying this time and I have to practically tackle Heath so that he lets me. Well, he doesn’t so much let me as I manage to shove him out of the way and put my card in the reader first.

Hartley is laughing at us as she bags up our goodies and passes the bag to me. Heath snatches it before I can grab it and I laugh as I follow him out the door.

“Thanks! See you later!” I call to Hartley and she waves as we head to the car.

“Where to now?” I ask him as I grab one of the brownies and pop it in my mouth.

“Just home, I guess.”

I shake my head.

“We can go home and drop these off but you need to get out. You need a new routine, remember?”

“Okay, so what do you suggest?”

I pop the last of the brownie in my mouth as I think over the options.

“Let’s go exploring. Hartley was talking about Destiny Falls and Lilac Harbor last night. Let’s go check them out. We can brainstorm routine ideas on the way.”

He shrugs and takes a bite of his own brownie, so I buckle up and reverse out of my spot. I passed by Destiny Falls on my way up to Honey Peak, but I didn’t stop to look around. I was too excited to be starting my job and was anxious to meet my new client.

I smile as I think back to the first day that we were together. It seems crazy that it was only a few days ago. Maybe it’s because we spend all day together or maybe we’re just kindred spirits, but I feel like I know Heath better than I know pretty much anyone else.

“What are you thinking about?” Heath asks as we head down the mountain.

“The first day that we met.”

“Oh. Great,” he says sarcastically and I smile.

“You weren’t that bad,” I lie and he side-eyes me.

“Yes, I was.”

“Okay, yeah, you kind of were, but you’re not anymore.”

He turns to look out the window and I go back to focusing on the road.

“Anything you want to do or see in Destiny Falls or Lilac Harbor?” I ask him and he shrugs.

“I’ve never been to either, and I don’t know what they have.”
